The name is absent




1. Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to examine whether the
religious educational policy in Anglo-Indian schools had
contributed overtly or covertly to educational disadvantage
for Anglo-Indians. (1)

The argument is made here that ethical pluralism should
replace the present religious education curriculum in
Anglo-Indian schools. This is because the ethically
diverse groups which come into social contact with each
other in these schools should be offered an opportunity to
explore the place and significance of India's religions in
their lives.

The argument is also made that ethical pluralism would
contribute to and encourage understanding of religious
beliefs and traditions. This would increase integration
between Anglo-Indians and Indians and decrease the sense of
isolation and marginalisation experienced by Anglo-Indians.

In order to set this discussion in a relevant framework,
the researcher's past experience of a religious education
curriculum in an Anglo-Indian school is also described.

The structure of the chapter therefore is,

(i)       The researcher's  experience of a religious

education curriculum in an Anglo-Indian school

(ii)      The field study

(iii)     Conclusions.


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