LINGUISTICS Vol.1 pp.222-34. In Berman and OlsthainzS
(1983) research among English-Hebrew children an enrichment
took place in the acquisition of L2. See also, Jakobson,
R. (1941, 1968) Child Lancruage, Aphasia and Phonological
Universals The Hague: Mouton. Jakobson (1941, 1968) states
that although acquisition and loss are related, they are
opposed, because mirror image in sequences in acquisition
and loss are developmental. See also, Karmiloff-Smith, A.
(1985) 'Language and cognitive process from a developmental
pp.61-85; Karmiloff-Smith (1985) suggests that the "cross
linguistic influence" creates possibilities of expression
in the acquisition of L2 that were not present in LI.
See also, Lambert, R. and Freed, B. (1982) The Loss of
Language Skills Rowley, Ma.: Newbury House. Lambert and
Freed (1982) suggests that language loss or language
attrition may take place if one language is given more
prominence, but the loss and acquisition are related. This
research "mirrors" the research conducted by Jakobson
(1941, 1968) ; see also, Sharwood-Smith, M.A. (1989)
'Cross Bilinguistic influence in language loss' IN:
K.Hyltens tarn and L. K.Obler (eds.) Bilingualism across the
lifespan: Aspects of Acquisition, Maturity and Loss
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. There seems to be
no evidence that the acquisition of L2 inevitably leads to
the extinction of the LI. in Sharwood-Smith (1989) Also,
in the Anglo-Indian school context the non Anglo-Indians
do not lose their proficiency in Ll when they develop L2
skills in English.
(60) Profile Nos. 65-66, 164-169
(61) Iverson, B.K. and Walberg, H.J. 'Home Environment and
School Learning: A Quantitative Synthesis', JOURNAL OF
(62) Birley, D. and Dufton, A. (1971) op cit., p.6; see
also, Cohen, E. (1970) op. cit., p.223; see also, Widlake,
P. (1986) op cit., p.72
(63) Coleman, J. et. al., (1966) Equality of Educational
Opportunity Washington: United States Govt. Printing Press
(64) Fuchs, E. (1968) 'How Teachers Learn to Help Children
Fail', TRANSACTIONS September pp.45-9 p.49; see also,
Torrey, J.W. (1970) 'Illiteracy in the Ghetto', HARVARD
EDUCATIONAL REVIEW Vol.4O No .2 May pp.253-9
No. 42
(65) McIntyre, D. (1977) What responsibilities should
teachers accept University of Stirling, Occasional Papers
No.lp.3; see also, Thorp, J. (1985) 'Accountabilityversus
Participation?' IN: M.Hughes; P.Ribbins, and H.Thomas.
Managing Education: The System and the Institution London:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston pp.414-427 No. 9. This study