BP: What about speaking it
T: I liked it a bit because I can only do a bit when I XX
BP: What about reading in French
T: Well, I did like it and I didn't, half and half
BP: Which half did you like
T: Mostly I didn't like it
BP: What about listening to a tape
T: It's a bit hard because when it went fast you couldn't hear it and all
BP: What about writing
T: It's alright I quite like that cause XX French
BP: Do you like it all in all French...
T: Yeah
BP: Yes or yes yes yes
T: Yes yes yes
BP: Or is it Ok
BP: It's OK. What's really good fun...what's the best, the best bit the absolute top
T: When we were playing that game when you had to write on the board and you
BP: You liked that did you...we had like two teams didn't we, competing
T: And XX
BP: Yes cause we had two groups didn't we
T: Two points in one and three for Ie natation
BP: For the difficult ones if you got it right first time
T: I got three
BP: May be we should play more games then if you like those, what about putting your
hand up, do you do that a lot
T: Yeah, I do now, I used to be, I used to do it sometimes but now I'm xx more
BP: You do more...why do you think that is
T: Cause Γm getting older and older and it's carrrying on and carrying on
BP: You feel more confident don't you, you feel more sure that you know. What if you
make a mistake do you mind
T: Not that much, cause like I could just get an eraser and erase it out
BP: What if you make one in speaking
T: I might just go...and start again