A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School


Lesson Observations - School Two
Year 6

Group One

Lesson One

Lesson focuses on asking questions: 'Comment s'appelle-t-il∕elle?',
,Ou habites-il/eɪle?', 'Quel age a-t-il∕elle?' using personal pronouns
Teacherwrites on chalkboard: Elle s'appelle∕ll s'appelle

Teacher gives model using pupils in class

Choral class repetition of both questions and answers

Child walks behind other child and asks question: 'Comment s'appelle-t-il∕elle?'
several children practise in this way

Teacher asks: 'If I say 'oiι habites tu?, 'oιι habite elle?' 'ou habite il?' what am I

Some pupils answer correctly in English

Choral repetition of questions

Teacher: Who can ask how old is he?

One pupil provides correct answer

Teacher asks how did you know about inserting a 't'?

Girl answers that she did because teacher earlier said '∞mment s'appelɪe-t-il?'

Choral repetition of 'quel age a-t-il?'

Through out lesson there are plenty of hands up but by the same pupils

A handful do not answer any questions and seem clearly bore.

Teacher introduces: 'Combien de freres as- tu?' and asks: 'Qu'est ce que c'est
en anglais?'

One girl volunteers 'how many brothers do you have?.

Same with 'soeurs'

Teacher: Moi j'ai 4 freres et une soeur

Girl: J'ai trois freres, trois soeurs

Teacher: 'If you want to say you haven't got any you say 'Je n'ai pas de...'


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