Choral repetitions of ,Je n,ai pas de...'
Teacherwrites on chalkboard: Je n’ai pas de...
Several pupils use this to add freres∕soeurs
Six pupils have not put their hand up at all so far
Teacher: ,What's the word for mother?'
No answers ∞me forward
Teacher: 'Sounds like 'pere' but with a different starting letter
One pupil comes up with 'mere'.
Teacherwrites on chalkboard: 'Je suis fils unique'
All the boys repeat: 'Je suis fils unique'
Teacherwrites on board: 'Je suis fille unique'
All the girls repeat
Whole class repeats both sentences
Teacher: How do you say 'I haven't got any...?'
Nobody remembers
Teacher: 'Je n'ai pas de freres.'
Checks understanding in English.
Teacher: The other phrase you need is: 'Je n'ai pas de soeurs∕freres'
Teacher: 'Je suis fils unique', what does it mean?'
Nobody knows∕guesses
Have they been repeating earlier without understanding?
Teacher clarifies in English and moves on to tape with worksheet with speech
bubbles on brothers and sisters
Teacher: 'Ecoutez bien' uses body language to support setting up listening
Class listens attentively
Teacher stops tape after first speech bubble: ,What do you think is the word for
Pupils answer correctly Tamille'
Class repeats French after each speech bubble
Teacher: ,What do you think 'grandpere' means?'
Pupils answer correctly with help of picture