A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

Teacherchecks understanding. Trois, Sstranslated as 11,10 and 6.

They obviously do not remember numbers or the structure 'll∕Elle a...ans,
Pupil asks: 'How do you say it?'

No difference made between pronunciation of un∕onze∕une

Teacher does whole class practice of un∕onze

Teacher: 'Quel age a-t-elle?'

Pupil answers: 'J'ai dix'

Another case of misunderstanding. They still think they are talking about

Plenty of hands up although many answers are incorrect

Teacher asks: 'J'habite £...', what does it mean?'

Pupil offers: Where do you live?'

He does not seem to know the difference between a statement and a question
ll∕elle still causes confusion

Teacher moves on to listening exercise

Tape is rather complicated and we both repeat the French and give them
simplified statements, e.g. 'll s'appelle Max. Il a trois ans.'

After much repetition and passing on answers and using fingers some get it

We then organise class in pairs where they have to choose 2 people one male
one female from worksheet and tell each other their names and ages. Stars for
those who get it right. This seems to motivate most children and most have a
go but still only a handful get the language right. A couple of girls say nothing.
Again a lot of enthusiasm, many hands up, most are involved but limited
learning outcomes.

Lesson Three

Teacher revises content from last lesson around the class

PupiH: 'Ou habites-tu?' Pupil 2:'J'ai dix ans.'

Teacher ,What does the question mean?'

Pupil 2: ,What,s your name.'

It is Pupil 2s turn to ask


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