- a bit lazy |
-1 understand easily |
- consistent |
- inconsistent |
when I want to |
- systematic |
- scatty |
• If I like something, I |
- attentive |
- insecure |
I do it the right way |
- good memory |
-1 get bored easily |
• If I like something I | |
-1 want to do everything |
don’t care about the time | |
at the same time |
-1 am good at conveying | |
- impatient |
my ideas and doubts |
Fig. 6.2 T according to his selves
Leamer F showed that he was also aware of his self, although he put more emphasis in
the middle part, showing that he is very satisfied with his learning.
-1 trust my way of learning
so I don’t make any
extra effort
-1 force myself to think
in English most of the time
-1 am able to understand any
-1 can deduce meaning out
of context
-1 don't have problems for
remembering vocabulary
- Γd like to combine my
studying Stylewithaformal
study program.
Fig. 6.3 F according to his selves
Leamer K is also satisfied with herself to the extent that she did not find anything that
belonged to the ideal self. This is the way her lists look: