- a bit lazy

-1 understand easily

- consistent

- inconsistent

when I want to

- systematic

- scatty

• If I like something, I

- attentive

- insecure

I do it the right way

- good memory

-1 get bored easily

• If I like something I

-1 want to do everything

don’t care about the time

at the same time

-1 am good at conveying

- impatient

my ideas and doubts

Fig. 6.2 T according to his selves

Leamer F showed that he was also aware of his self, although he put more emphasis in

the middle part, showing that he is very satisfied with his learning.

-1 trust my way of learning
so I don’t make any
extra effort

-1 force myself to think
in English most of the time
-1 am able to understand any
-1 can deduce meaning out
of context

-1 don't have problems for
remembering vocabulary

- Γd like to combine my
studying Stylewithaformal
study program.

Fig. 6.3 F according to his selves

Leamer K is also satisfied with herself to the extent that she did not find anything that
belonged to the ideal self. This is the way her lists look:


More intriguing information

1. The Advantage of Cooperatives under Asymmetric Cost Information
2. Innovation and business performance - a provisional multi-regional analysis
3. The problem of anglophone squint
4. The name is absent
5. The name is absent
6. The Institutional Determinants of Bilateral Trade Patterns
7. Tobacco and Alcohol: Complements or Substitutes? - A Statistical Guinea Pig Approach
8. The name is absent
9. The role of statin drugs in combating cardiovascular diseases
10. Licensing Schemes in Endogenous Entry
11. Firm Closure, Financial Losses and the Consequences for an Entrepreneurial Restart
12. Are combination forecasts of S&P 500 volatility statistically superior?
14. The Distribution of Income of Self-employed, Entrepreneurs and Professions as Revealed from Micro Income Tax Statistics in Germany
15. Neighborhood Effects, Public Housing and Unemployment in France
16. Conservation Payments, Liquidity Constraints and Off-Farm Labor: Impact of the Grain for Green Program on Rural Households in China
17. Towards Learning Affective Body Gesture
18. Linking Indigenous Social Capital to a Global Economy
19. How we might be able to understand the brain
20. Place of Work and Place of Residence: Informal Hiring Networks and Labor Market Outcomes