- forgetful ∙ extrovert
- sensitive - tolerant
- patient
- cautious
• enthusiastic
- active
- attentive
- analytic
Fig. 6.4. K according to her selves
Learner E is also extreme but completely opposite to learner K. She was so over-
critical about her performance and learning that she found it almost impossible to name
one thing that could be placed in the convergence of perceived and ideal selves. In other
words, she did not find anything she was happy with. The reader will notice the
difference of her diagram in comparison with the other participants.

- be very short
• I adapt to other’s people
- being in a more advanced
group I don’t understand
- be depressed because I
don't speak
-be taller
and don’t feel so small
-Theyhave to adequate to
my own interests∕learn
what I want to learn
- Don’t feel depressed and
speak (the way I can)
Fig. 6.5 E according to her selves
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