elements. It is obvious here the role of the SAC material and human resources.
Fig. 7.10 Stages of learning and internal∕external forces
C: Most SAC users are here for two reasons. Either they are new and still have hopes
(and a high degree of motivation), or have been working here for a long time (from six
months to 2 years) are too proud to leave and admit that they have not learned. But still,
they are lost and dizzy. And then they go to the counsellor and ask (not an everyday
question such as “Where is this cassette" or "What is the password for this computer
program") a difficult question like: I have been working here for six months and I don't
leam". Maybe the problem is that the counsellor cannot say anything. She may think
"Gosh, what do I say?" or "This guy cannot Ieam English, how do I tell him to leave?"
Maybe this is the conclusion of the counsellor, don't you think? "He has been here for six
months and I have told him about all the materials he could work with and he didn't
leam, Ingles sin Barreras and "I don't leam", Family Album and "I don't Ieam either",
"Well, try with materials without videocassettes", and the result was the same. And I am
sure that this not a unique case, there are hundreds of them, and they drop out.