Large-N and Large-T Properties of Panel Data Estimators and the Hausman Test

Here, DT wei = [(Dx,Txei)0, zei] can be viewed as a vector of detrended regressors.
Thus, Assumption 10 indicates non-zero correlations between the effect u
i and
detrended regressors. The term W
iDTλ can be replaced by λo + wiDDTλ, where
o is any constant scalar. We use the term w'iDTλ instead of λo+wiDTλ simply
for convenience.

A sequence of local versions of the fixed effects hypothesis is given:

Assumption 11 (local alternatives to random effects): Conditional on Fw, the
{ui}i=1 N is i.i.d. with mean wiiDTλ∕N, variance σ2l, and κ4u =

EFw (ui

EFw ui)4 ∞, where λ 6= 0(k+g)×1 is a nonrandom vector in Rk+g .

Under this Assumption, E (DTwiui) = √√= E DTwWiW0DT^ λ → 0(k+g)×ι, as
N, T →∞).

Although Assumptions 10 and 11 are convenient to analyze the power prop-
erties of the Hausman test, they are somewhat restrictive. Specifically, under
these alternative hypotheses, the Hausman test lacks power to detect correla-
tions between the effect
ui and the time invariant regressors zi . To see this,
suppose we partition λ into (λ
0x , λ0z)0 corresponding to wei = (xe0i , zei0)0. Assume
that λ
x = 0k×1; that is, the xit (t =1, ..., T) are not correlated with ui, con-
ditional on
zi . For simplicity, assume that T is fixed. For this case, under the
fixed effects assumption, the between estimators of β and γ
, βb and γbb , are
equivalent to least squares on the model

Vi = β'xi + (γ + λz )'zi + (u* + ¾),

where u* = ui - wiDTλ = ui- λ'zei. From this, we can easily see that bb and
bb are asymptotically unbiased estimators of β and (γ + λz), respectively. That
is, γ
bb is not an asymptotically unbiased estimator of γ . As we have discussed
in Section 2.2, the asymptotic distribution of the Hausman statistic depends on
that of β
b , not of γbb . Thus, the Hausman test does not have power to detect
the violations of the random effects assumption that do not bias β
b (regardless
of the size of
T ). Accordingly, under our fixed effects and the local alternative
assumptions (Assumptions 10 and 11), the Hausman test possesses no power to
detect nonzero correlations between
zi and ui . This problem arises of course
because we assume that the conditional mean of the effect U
i is a linear function
of w
i. When the conditional mean of the effect is a nonlinear function of wi,
the Hausman test can possess power to detect nonzero correlations between
and zi.17

The following lemmas provide some results that are useful to derive the
asymptotic distributions of the within, between, and GLS estimators of β and

17 Even if the conditional mean of ui is linear in wei , the Hausman test may have power
to detect non-zero
λz , if λx and λz are not functionally independent. For example, consider
a model with scalar
xit and zi . Suppose that xit and zi have a common factor fi ; that is,
xit = fi + eit and zi = fi + ηi. (This is the case discussed below Assumption 5.) Assume
E(ui | fi, ηi,⅛) = c¾∙ Assume that fi, ηi and eit are normal, mutually independent, and
i.i.d. over different i and t with zero means, and variances σf2 , σ2η ,and σe2 , respectively. Note
that under given assumptions,
xit is not correlated with ui, while zi is. For this case, however,


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