By Lemma 15(d),
and by Assumption 6(iii) and (v),
E kQ2,ik4 < M.
Thus, |
ɪ XhE ∣∣Q2,i∣∣4E ∣∣Q1,iτIl4i1/2 → 0, |
which implies
(n Xvec (Qι>iτ Q2,i ))
By the Chebychev’s inequality, then, we have
N X Qι,iτ Q2,i →p 0,
→ 0.
as (N, T →∞) . Finally,
in view of (62) we have the desired result that as
N X Qι,iTQ2,iT →p 0. ¥
Part (b)
From (47) , we write
sup sup E ∣∣Dt (wi — w)∣∣4
N,T 1≤i≤N
sup sup E ∣I1,i,NT + I2,i,NT + I3,i,NT ∣4
N,T 1≤i≤N
supN,T sup1≤i≤N E ∣I1,i,NT ∣4
+ supN,T sup1≤i≤N E ∣I2,i,N T ∣
for some constant M1 . Thus, we can complete the proof by showing that each
of the three terms in the right-hand side of the inequality (63) is bounded.
For some constant M2 ,
sup sup E ∣I1,i,N T ∣4
N,T 1≤i≤N
s supi,τ E ∣D1T (xi,i — Exι,i)k4
+ suPi,T E ° d√2T √T (x2,i - Ex2,i) J]
k +suPi,τ E U D√3T√T (χ33iti — EFzi x≡,θ°°4
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