Table 1.1: Lexical assessments used in Experiment 1............................................ 23

Table 1.2: Lexical assessments used in Experiment 2............................................ 24

Table 4.1: Number of children by age and group................................................... 93

Table 4.2: Children’s performance (percentages) across tasks by age in the
immediate post test................................................................................ 96

Table 5.1: Characteristics of the sample (N=l 92) by group.................................. 99

Table 5.2: Design OfExperiment 1........................................................................ IOO

Table 5.3: Post-test measurements OfExperiment 1.............................................. 102

Table 5.4: Children’s performance (standardised score in means and sds) on the
Britishpicture Vocabularyscalebygroupandage............................... HO

Table 5.5Children’s performance (standardised score in means and sds) on the
phonological memory test by group and age.......................................... 110

Table 5.6: Children’s performance (on the multiple choice task) on the target
and control words across testing............................................................ 111

Table 5.7: Children’s responses in the naming task................................................ 116

Table 5.8: Children’s responses in the naming task in the immediate and the
delayed post tests................................................................................... 116

Table 5.9: Types of responses given in the inference task..................................... 130

Table 5.10: Children’s responses in the inference task for both post tests.............   131

Table 5.11: Properties mentioned in children’s definitions.................................... 139

Table 5.12: Children’s responses in the definition task for both post tests............   140

Table 5.13: Children’s responses in the analogy task............................................. 148

Table 5.14: Children’s responses in the analogy task for both post tests...............   149

Table 5.15: Children’s responses in the contrast task............................................. 157

Table 5.16: Children’s responses in the contrast task for both post tests...............   157

Table 5.17: Types of properties identified in children’s sentences......................... 164

Table 5.18: Children’s responses in the sentence generation task for both post
tests...................................................................................................... 165

Table 6.1: Overview of Experiment 1 & Experiment 2.......................................... 182

Table 7.1: Characteristics of the sample................................................................ 187

Table 7.2: Design OfExperiment 2......................................................................... 188


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