5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


and Using a computer promoted their enjoyment less and Whole-class discussion
promoted their enjoyment and sense of security less than 8th graders perceiving
themselves as good or average at mathematics. They also perceived less frequent
deployment of
Using a computer. Overall, there were fewer differences than at 5th grade
(see Appendices 7.1.6).

Teachers’ perceptions

Teachers were asked to rate the extent to which they attempted to enhance their pupils’
self-concept and mathematics self-concept, respectively, in mathematics classes.
Teachers of both age groups on average reported that they attempted to enhance pupils’
general self-concept and mathematics self-concept sometimes. Although 5th grade
teachers reported they attempted to enhance their pupils’ self-concept and mathematics
self-concept more than 8th grade teachers, this difference was not statistically significant
(see Table 7.1.4).

Table 7.1.4: Mean scores and Standard Deviation of teachers’ attempts to enhance
pupils’ general self-concept and mathematics self-concept

5m grade teachers

8tn grade teachers







General self-concept
t=. 876, df=82, p>.05___________________







Mathematics self-concept
t=1.334, df=85, p>.05 ____________







There was a relatively high correlation between teachers’ attempts to enhance pupils’
general self-concept and their attempts to enhance pupils’ mathematics self-concept, at
both age groups (5th grade: r=. 706, p=. 000; 8th grade: r=. 736, p=. 000).

To further the analysis teachers were divided into two groups based on their scores on
the extent to which they attempted to enhance pupils’ general self-concept and pupils’
mathematics self-concept. 5th grade teachers who reported attempting to enhance their
pupils’ general self-concept positively perceived that

• Whole-class discussion could promote pupils’ enjoyment (t=3.292, df=41, p<. 01)
and sense Ofsecurity (t=4.170, df=40, p<. 01);

• Individual help could promote pupils’ sense of progress (t=2.817, df=29.937, p<. 01)
more than other 5th grade teachers,


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