Table 7.1.2 shows that those with a higher general self-concept, higher mathematics
self-concept and higher perceived mathematics performance, overall, perceived more
frequent deployment of all of the teaching methods and more positive affective attitudes
generated by different teaching methods than those in the other groups, although there
were some exceptions where no significant difference was found. This was the case at
both grades. For 5th graders’ neither general self-concept, mathematics self-concept nor
perceived mathematics performance affected their perceived frequency of deployment of
Using a computer or the four aspects of affective attitudes promoted by this teaching
method. No statistically significant difference was found in their perceptions of the extent
to which enjoyment was promoted by Individual help according to the extent of their
general self-concept. No significant difference was found in 5th graders’ perceived
frequency of deployment of Practical work and Individual help, according to their
mathematics self-concept. 5th graders perceiving themselves as good at mathematics
perceived less frequency of the deployment of Individual help than 5lh graders perceiving
themselves average or poor at mathematics, despite the fact that they were more likely
to perceive that Individual help could promote their affective attitudes more than 5th
graders perceiving themselves average or poor at mathematics (see Table 7.1.3 and
Figure 7.1.1). Overall, however for 5th graders self-concept, mathematics self-concept
and perceived mathematics performance had a major impact on their perceptions of the
deployment, and perceived effects on attitudes of different teaching methods (See
appendices 7.1.1,7.1.3, 7.1.5)
Figure 7.1.1: Mean scores of 5th graders’ affective attitudes towards mathematics
learning promoted by Individual help and their perceptions of the frequency of
deployment of Individual help according to their perceptions of themselves as good,
average, poor at mathematics
I=Enjoyment, 2=Motivation,
3=Sense of security, 4=Sense of progress, S=DepIoyment