No statistically significant difference was found in their perceptions of pupils’ affective
attitudes promoted by other teaching methods. No statistically significant difference was
found in their perceived frequency of any teaching methods.
5th grade teachers attempting to enhance their pupils’ mathematics self-concept
positively perceived that
• Individual work could promote their pupils’ enjoyment (t=2.983, df=44, p<. 01);
• Teacher explanation could promote their pupils’ sense of progress (t=2.851, df=44,
p<. 01) more than other 5th grade teachers.
No statistically significant difference was found in the perceptions of affective attitudes
promoted by other teaching methods. No statistically significant difference was found in
their perceived frequency of any teaching methods.
No statistically significant differences were found between the responses of these two
groups in relation to their perceived frequency of any teaching methods or perceptions of
how these promoted pupils’ positive affective attitudes among the responses of 8th grade
Summary of 7.1
Pupils’ general self-concept and mathematics self-concept as measured by SDQ-I and
SDQ-II were similar across the two ages. A strong emphasis on effort for achievement
was found in 8th graders, although pupils’ perceptions of being good at mathematics
deteriorated as their grades proceeded. There were strong relationships between
mathematics self-concept and perceptions of being good at mathematics.
Pupils with higher general self-concept, mathematics self-concept and perceptions of
mathematics performance, overall, perceived more frequent deployment of all teaching
methods and more positive affective attitudes towards mathematics learning being
promoted by the adoption of almost all teaching methods. This was especially so at 5th
grade. At 5th grade, Using a Computerwas the only teaching method where this was not
the case. 5th graders perceiving themselves as good at mathematics believed that
Individual help was given less than other 5th graders, although they felt that this teaching
method could promote their positive affective attitudes more than other 5th graders.
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