5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


8th graders with higher general self-concept perceived more positive affective attitudes
promoted by almost all teaching methods than 8th graders with lower general self-
concept, the exceptions were
Practical work and Using a computer. In contrast, 8th
graders’ mathematics self-concept was related to positive affect promoted by
Reading a
textbook, Teacher explanation
and Individual work.

8th graders with lower mathematics self-concept perceived a higher sense of security
and sense of progress promoted by
Using a computer. They also perceived less
frequent deployment of this teaching method. 8th graders’ perceived mathematics
performance also influenced affective attitudes promoted by certain teaching methods, in
Teacher explanation, Individual work and Individual help. 8th graders with
higher perceived mathematics performance perceived that
Practical work and Using a
could promote their enjoyment and Whole-class discussion could promote
their enjoyment and sense of security.

8th graders with higher general self-concepts perceived more frequent deployment of all
the teaching methods except for
Practical work and Group discussion; 8th graders with
higher mathematics self-concept and higher perceived mathematics performance
perceived more frequent deployment of
Using a computer, Teacher explanation,
Individual work
and Individual help but not other teaching methods. Teacher explanation,
Individual work
and Individual help were, as presented in Chapter 4, deployed very
frequently in mathematics classes at 8th grade. 8th graders with lower mathematics self-
concept perceiving themselves poor at mathematics perceived less time spent on all
teaching methods and less positive effects of these methods on their attitudes.

Teachers reported that they only “sometimes” attempted to enhance pupils’ general self-
concept and mathematics self-concept. Those giving positive responses were likely to
do so for both categories. The extent of 5th grade teachers’ attempts to enhance their
pupils’ general self-concept influenced their thinking about
Whole-class discussion and
Individual help and how these might promote positive affect through pupil-pupil
interaction and teacher-pupil interaction. In contrast, the extent to which 5th grade
teachers’ reported attempting to enhance their pupils’ mathematics self-concept affected
their perceptions of teaching methods relating to individual pupils’ cognition such as
Individual work and Teacher explanation. 8th grade teachers’ perceptions of their pupils’


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