5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


Pupils’ attribution of mathematics performance and their perceptions of teaching

This section examines the assumption that pupils’ perceived frequency of deployment of
the teaching methods and their affective attitudes promoted by the teaching methods
vary according to their attribution of perceived mathematics performance. In short, this
assumption was supported. Pupils’ attributions of their perceived mathematics
performance affected their perceived frequency of deployment of different teaching
methods and their affective attitudes as promoted by the different teaching methods.
Overall, pupils attributing success in mathematics learning to effort and support from the
teacher and pupils attributing success in mathematics learning to ability were likely to
report different perceived frequencies of deployment of teaching methods and their
affective attitudes as promoted by the those teaching methods.

5th graders attributing success to support from the teacher, followed by effort and home
support perceived more than those attributing it to ability that
Teacher explanation could
promote the four aspects of affective attitudes. 5th graders attributing success to support
from the teachers and effort perceived more than those attributing it to task easiness that
motivation and sense of progress were promoted by
Whole-class discussion. Sense of
security was promoted by
Group discussion and there was a greater frequency of
perceived deployment of
Group discussion. 5th graders attributing their success to ability
perceived less that
Whole-class discussion could promote motivation.

5th graders attributing success to ability or task easiness perceived more than those
attributing it to support from the teacher that
Individual work could promote the four
aspects of affective attitudes and that this method was deployed more frequently. A
similar pattern emerged in the relationship between 5th graders’ attributions and their
sense of security as promoted by
Individual help. However, those attributing success to
support from the teacher perceived more frequent deployment of
Individual help than
those attributing it to ability and task easiness.

5th graders attributing their success to effort or support at home perceived more than
those attributing it to task easiness that
Reading a textbook could promote their
enjoyment and motivation. 5th graders attributing their success to ability or task easiness
perceived more that
Practical work could promote their sense of security and sense of


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