Questionnaire for
5th graders of
elementary school
This is a chance for you to tell us about yourself in your Maths
classes. It is not a test. There are no right answers and everyone will
have different answers. Your answers will show how you feel about
yourself and tell us about the things that you do.
Please do not talk about your answers to anyone else. We will keep
your answers private and not show them to any one.
For most of the questions you have to put a tick in a box. Where
there is a choice, please put a tick in the small box by the answer
nearest to what you think.
True Mostly Neither Mostly False
I like to watch TV.
For this sentence you have to choose the answer that is best for you.
First, you must decide if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE for you, or somewhere in
If you really like to watch TV a lot you would answer TRUE by putting a tick in the
first box. If you hate watching TV you would answer FALSE by putting a tick in the
last box.
If you don’t like watching TV very much, but you watch it sometimes, you might
decide to put a tick in the box that says MOSTLY FALSE, or MORE FALSE THAN
If you want to change an answer you have marked you should cross out the tick and
put in another one in the appropriate box.