V. Please give each method a mark out of 5 points. 5 meaning
strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neither agree nor disagree, 2 disagree,
1 strongly disagree.
a. Do these methods help you to enjoy learning mathematics?
Practical |
Using a |
Reading a |
Teacher |
Individual |
Individual |
Whole-class |
Group |
b. Do these methods encourage you to try hard in mathematics?
Practical |
Using a |
Reading a |
Teacher |
Individual |
Individual |
Whole-class |
Group |
c. Do you feel relaxed in learning mathematics by using these
particular methods?_____________________________________
Practical |
Using a |
Reading a |
Teacher |
Individual |
Individual |
Whole-class |
Group |
d. Do you think these methods help you to feel that you are
making progress in learning mathematics? _____________
Practical |
Using a |
Reading a |
Teacher |
Individual |
Individual |
Whole-class |
Group |