* Aboriginal students have internalised the negative
typifications of mainstream society towards Aborigines.
They support typifications of Aborigines that are
predominantly negative, though less negative than
that of non-Aborigines (p.∙344ff.).
* Aboriginal students have not internalised negative
typifications for themselves (p.∙ 370ff.) They typify
themselves positively, and they theorize positively
about themselves, their families, their location in
society (p. 400ff.).
* Aboriginal students typify ’Australians’ positively
(p. 362 ff.) ;
Hypothesis 2.1
(E∙ 46)
The hypothesis that the typificatioon of Aborigines would be
negative was supported.
The hypothesis that the greater the visibility of the Aboriginal
groupi the more negative would be the. typification^ was supported.
Hypothesis 2.2 (p. 46)
The hypothesis that there would be evidence of institutionalisation
of typifications (that isi that the Aborigines would have internalised
the negative typifications of the dominant group) was supported in
the case of typification of Aborigines in general.
It was not supported for typifications of the Aboriginal self.
Hypothesis 2.3 (p. 46)
The hypothesis that Aborigines would typify Australians negatively
was not supported.
The hypothesis that Aborigines would typify Italians negatively
was not supported.