The name is absent



77. Diez Navarro, Andres, ed. Quaderno de Leyes y PrivUegios del Hon-
rado Concejo de la Mesta.
Madrid, 1731. The most comprehensive code of
the Mesta.

78. Memorial ajusiado hecho en Virtud de Decreto del Consejo del Expédi-
ante consultive que pende en el . . . entre D. Vicente Paino y Hurtado, dipu-
tado ... de Estremadura y el Honrado Concejo de la Mesla.
Madrid, n. d.
(1771 ?). This is a preliminary statement of the case which was taken up
in earnest in the two volumes noted below (No. 79).

79. Memorial ajustado del Expediente de Concordia que trata el Honrado
Concejo de la Mesta con la Diputacidn General de Extremadura ante el Conde
de Campomanes . . .
Madrid, 1783. 2 vols. This truly monumental
compilation contains all of the evidence and arguments at the hearing held
by Campomanes on the points at issue between the Mesta and the pasturage
province of Estremadura, whose case was presented by Paino y Hurtado
(see above, No. 48). All of the royal charters and ordinances, and many
documents not available in other works are collected in these two large
volumes. See No. 74.

80. Resumen de Ios principales privilégies del Honrado Concejo de la Mesta,
dispuesto para el uso de Ios Hermanos . . .
Salamanca, 1815. 15 pp. In-
teresting as indicating the enforcement of many of the most ancient Mesta
charters over five hundred years after their promulgation.

81. Brieva, Matfas, ed. Coleccidn de Leyes, Reales Décrétas y Ordenes,
1729-1827. Madrid,
1828. The last code of the Mesta; supplements No. 77; has a list of all
the presidents and meeting places of the Mesta for the period 1500-1827.
Cf. No. 73.

82. Gômez Valverde, Manuel, ed. El Consultor del Ganadero. Madrid,
1898. A useful compilation of ancient and modern pastoral laws, with brief
historical notes.

2. Local Laws and Ordinances

The same reason which prompted the examination of town archives
(see above, p. 408) explains the presence of this section in the bib-
liography. There have been listed here only such compilations as
were found useful on pastoral laws and practices. Nos. ɪ and 12,
above, were indispensable in the search for this class of material. It
will be noted that practically all of the towns cited are in the central
and southern pasturage regions, with a few in the northern wool
marketing centres (Bilbao, Leon, Burgos). For the most part, the
materials found in these town codes were on local sheep regulations
and the organization of the local mestas, or shepherds’ gilds.

(α) CollectionsofTownCharters

83. Gonzâlez, Tomâs, ed. Coleccidn de Privilégias, Franquezas, y Fueros.
Madrid, 1829-33. 6 vols. Vols, i-iv, Provincias Vascongadas. Vols, v-
vi, Castilla. Local documents from the archive at Simancas. Covers the
whole of the Middle Ages.

BIBLIOGRAPHY              4l5

84. Munoz y Romero, Tomâs, ed. Coleccidn de Fueros Municipales y
Cartas Pueblas . . . No
. i (no others published). Madrid, 1847. Covers
the period 780-1250. Valuable notes.

85. Larruga, Eugénio, ed. Memorias politicos y econdmicas sobre Ios
frutos, comercio, Jdbricas, y minas de Espana.
Madrid, 1785-1800. 45 vols.
A rich collection of local ordinances and charters, which are to be used with
caution, however, since the editor has not always been careful to give the
complete texts.

(b) Charters of Individual Towns

86. Albarracin. SumadejuerosdelasciudadesdeSantaMariadeAlbar-
razin. . .
Valencia (?), 1531.

87. The same. Ordinaciones y estatutos de la comunidad de Albarrazin.
Saragossa, 1647. Other editions, with important changes, 1678, 169c, and
1696. The
comunidad was the rural organization of all small towns around
the city, for the purpose of administering pasturage and common lands.
There were four such
Comunidades in Aragon (see below, Nos. 99, ɪoɪ, 117),
which comprised a total of over x50 small towns, and took in most of the
large pasturage districts in that kingdom.

88. The same. Insaculaeidn y Ordinaciones de la ciudad de Albarrazin.
Saragossa, x655. Other editions, with important changes, 1666, 1678, x690,
and 1696.

89. The same. Breve instruction para Ios jurados de las aldeas de Albar-
Saragossa, 1690. Regulation of the aldeas or suburbs of Albarracin.

90. Almotilla. Ordinaciones del termina de la A. Saragossa, 1679. Ordi-
nances of a pasturage district near Saragossa.

91. Avilés. El Fuero de A. Fernandez-Guerra, ed. Madrid, 1865. Use-
ful glossary.

92. Badajoz. Ordenanzas de la ciudad de B. Madrid, 1767. Good ma-
terial on the pasturage regulations of this ancient opponent of the Mesta.

93. Baena. Antiguas Ordenanzas de B. Valverde Perales, ed. Cordova,
1907. Has an excellent set of local mesta regulations of the fifteenth

94. Bilbao. Ordenanzas de la noble villa de B. Bilbao, 17n. Other
edition, 1797. Good data on the local wool market of this important ex-
port town. These ordinances are not to be confused with the much more
famous regulations of the Consulado of Bilbao (see next item), which are,
bibliographically, much less of a rarity.

95. The same. Ordenanzas de la Uustre Universidad y casa de Contrataeidn
. . . de Bilbao.
Many editions, beginning in 1737; one of the best is
Madrid, 1787. First 17 chapters translated into English, New York, 1824.
This trade house or
Consulado Iuniversidad is used in the old Spanish sense
corporation) handled most of the wool exported from Castile. Its rich
archive has recently been made known by the exhaustive work of Guiard,
Htsloria del Consulado . . . de Bilbao, vol. i (1511-1659). Bilbao, 1913.

96. Brihuega. Fuero de B. Catalina Garcia, ed. Madrid, 1888.

97. Burgos. Ordenanzas de la Ciudad de B. x747. Data on the wool
trade, which was concentrated at this point after leaving Segovia en route
to the north coast.

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