125. Benavides, Antonio, ed. Memorias de D. Fernando IV. Madrid,
i860. 2 vols. Vol. ii is a collection of documents of the period 1295-1312,
with a number of Mesta items.
126. Branchat, Vicente, ed. Tratado de Ios Derechos . . . al real Patri-
monio . . . de Valencia. Valencia, 1784-86. 3 vols. An indispensable
source on the fiscal history of one of the favorite pasture regions of the
127. Bullarium Ordinis MUitiae de Alcantara. Ortega, Brizuela, and
Zfiniga, eds. Madrid, 1759.
128. BuUarium Ordinis Militiae de Calatrava. Ortega, Baquedano, and
Zfiniga, eds. Madrid, 1761.
129. Bullarium Equestris Ordinis S. Iacobi de Spatha . . . (Santiago).
Madrid, 1719. The three collections just cited include many secular and
lay documents. Because of the extensive holdings of the Military Orders
in the southern pasture lands, these volumes are of great importance.
130. Ordenanqas de la Real Chancilleria de Granada. Granada, 1601.
131. Recopilacidn de las Ordenanzas de la Real Chancilleria de Valladolid.
Valladolid, 1765. Usually has bound with it Varias décrétas de S. M. y
Autos del Real Consejo. 1765. These two sets of rules for the high courts
at Granada and Valladolid, before which Mesta cases were brought for final
appeal, contain several clauses on the procedure in such litigations. They
are important also because of the part played by these courts in the break-
ing down of the Mesta’s power.
132. Cortes de Ios antiguos Reinos de Le6n y de Castilla, Real Academia de
la Historia, eds. Madrid, 1861-1903. 5 vols. Covers the proceedings of
these bodies from their beginnings to 1559, where they are taken up by the
next item (No. 133).
133. Actas de las Cortes de Castilla. Edited under the auspices of the
Congreso de Diputados; in process; 37 vols. Madrid, 1877-1914. Cover
1563-1621. See Merriman, “ Cortes of the Spanish Kingdoms in the Later
Middle Ages,” in the American Historical Review, April, 1911, pp. 476-495.
134. Escrituras, Acuerdos, . . . condiciones de Ios Servicios de Millones.
Several editions; the best is that of Madrid, 1734. These subsidies (servi-
ties) were the occasion of many condiciones or understandings, before they
were voted to the crown by the Cortes. In the first three, 1590, 1597, and
16∞, reforms of the Mesta were demanded in lengthy clauses.
FueroJuzgo-. see No. 122.
135. Memorial Histdrico Espanol. Real Academia de la Historia, eds.
Vois, i and ii (Madrid, 1851) contain documents of Alfonso X, founder of
the Mesta. Many of these give data on rural conditions of the time. It
may be remarked here that the Memorias Histdricas of that king by Mondé-
jar (Madrid, 1777) has very little of value on the present subject.
136. Montalban, Alfonso de, ed. Copilacidn de Ieyes que mandaron facer
■ . . Fernando . . . i Isabel. Huete, 1485, The first important printed
compilation of laws and decrees of the Castilian kings. Has many docu-
ments on wool selling and pasturage, some of which do not appear in the
later revisions.
137. Navarre. Recopilacwny Comentarios de Iosfueros y Ieyes de Navarra.
José Alonso, ed. Madrid, 1848. 2 vols. Invaluable for its notes and com-
mentaries on rural legislation.
r38. The same. Pueros del reyno de N. Pamplona, 1815. The section
on paztos is one of the earliest pieces of extensive legislation on pasturage in
the peninsula. Has an interesting glossary.
139. The same. Cuaderno de las Ieyes y agravios . . . de Ios très estados
del reino de N. Pamplona, 1819. The proceedings of the notable Cortes
of 1817-18, which abolished the local shepherds’ gilds in that kingdom.
140. The same. Novisima recopilaciin de las Ieyes de N. Pamplona,
1735. 2 vols. Has several sections on pasturage, meztas, etc.
141. The same. Diccionario de antigiiedades de N. Yanguas, ed.
Pamplona, 1840-43. 4 vols. A rich treasury of sources by the greatest of
Navarrese archivists.
Novisima Recopilaciin'. see No. 122.
142. Nueva Recopilaeiin de las Leyes destos Reynos, hecha por . . . Felipe II
(1567). Madrid, 1640. 3 vols. Has many laws on the Mesta which
were omitted from the Novtsima.
143. Otero, Antonio Fernando. De Pascuis et Jure Pascendi. Valla-
dolid, 1632. A compilation of, and commentary on, Spanish pasturage
laws. The Paris Bibliothèque National has the only copy found in the
course of this study.
Parral y Cristobal. Fueros de Aragin, see No. 124.
Partidas, Siete. See No. 122.
144. Ramirez, Juan, ed. Libro en que estdn Copiladas . . . algunas
Bulas . . . ê Iodas las Pragmdticas . . . 1503. Later reprints, Valladolid,
1540, Toledo, 1550. Has many decrees of the late fifteenth and early six-
teenth centuries on wool and sheep. Frequently referred to as the Libro de
145. Portugaliae Monumenta Historica. Herculano, ed. Vol. i of the
Leges et Consuetudines has many documents on migatory sheep: cf. index,
under busto, montaticum, etc.
Apart from the titles cited below on migratory sheep in countries
outside of Spain, very Httle benefit has been derived from the works
of this class. The subject seems to have impressed most writers as
being either too unimportant or too obscure to merit careful or ex-
haustive treatment; hence the brevity of the present Hst, which in-
cludes only those authors who have given the topic more than
a passing mention. Of the discussions of the Mesta, those of Cos-
Gayon, Moreno Calderon, Camacho, and Colmeiro are the best.
Curiously enough, Cos-Gayon’s brief survey, the only attempt ever
made hitherto at a study of the Mesta specifica∏y, has remained
practica∏y unknown from the day of its pubHcation (1869-70) to this.