The name is absent



98. Câceres. FuerosyprivilegiosdeC. Pedro Ulloa y Golfin, ed. (1676?),
This is the valuable compilation referred to above (No. 43). It is unques-
tionably — from the point of view of the student of general Spanish his-
tory— the most valuable compilation of local materials yet published.
There are four known copies, one of which is in the Hispanic Society’s
library in New York, and another in my possession.

99. Calatayud. Ordenanzas de la Junta de Govierno y Pueblos de la
Comunidad de C.
Calatayud, 1751. Another of the four Aragonese comuni-
(see above, No. 87).

ι∞. Cuenca. Forum Conche. B. H. Allen, ed. University of Cincinnati
1909~1910. Other editions of this notable fuero, which served as
the model for many later ones (it is dated 1177), are by Cerdâ and by Cata-
lin. Allen’s is the best, though it has many shortcomings. Cuenca’s im-
portance in the Mesta gives special significance to the pastoral regulations
of this famous charter.

ιoι. Daroca. Ordenanzas reales de la Comunidad de D. Saragossa, 1741.
(See above, No. 87.)

102. Garde (Valle de Roncal). Ordenanzas municipales de la villa de G.
In Cultura Espanola, February, 1906, pp. 35-44. Has sixteenth-century
pasturage laws.

103. Granada. Ordenanzas que Ios muy ilustres Sefiores de G. . . . man-
daron . .
. Granada, 1552. Other ed., 1672. Thiscompilationstandsnext
to those of Caceres and Seville as the most generally useful of the town
ordinances and codes here cited.

104. Huesca. Apuntes sobre el antiguo Rigimen . . . de H., by Ricardo
del Arco. Huesca, 1910. See No. 53. Has good data on sheep taxes and
local wool market regulations.

105. Leon. Ordenanzas para el Govierno . . . de L. Le6n, 1669. Has
pasturage and sheep regulations of importance because of that city’s posi-
tions as centre of one of the four districts or quadrillas of the Mesta.

106. Madrid. Tratado breve sobre las Ordenanzas de M. Madrid, 1660.
Torijo, ed.

107. The same. Ordenanzas de M. 1791.

108. The same. Documentas del archive . . . de M. Palacios, ed. Mad-
rid, 1888-1909. 4 vols. See No. 55. This collection reprints most of the
more important local documents, without notes or citations of sources. In-
cludes a good set of fourteenth-century pastoral laws.

109. Murcia. Los muy illustres senores M. mandaron imprimir las orde-
Murcia, 1695. Important because of the use of the commons of
Murcia by the flocks from Cuenca and other Mesta towns.

no. Plasencia. Fuero de P. José Benavides, ed. Rome, 1896. Ms.
copies of this notable code, which is full of pastoral materials, are in the
Academy of History (E-126, fols. 168 ff.) and the Biblioteca Nacional
(D-714). See also
Revista de Extremadura, viii (1906), pp. 481-494; iii
(1903), PP∙ 172-181, 433-441

hi. Salamanca. FuerodeS. Diputacionprovincial, eds. 1877. This
edition, which is really the work of Villar y Macias, is better than that by



Sanchez Ruano (1870). The town was on one of the three great routes of
the Mesta, and has therefore many important sheep regulations in its

112. San Phelipe. Ordenanzas para el govierno de S. P. 1750. Local
sheep regulations of one of the important towns on the southeastern route
of the Mesta flocks from Cuenca.

113. Santiago. Fuerosmunicipales de S. y de su tierra. Lopez Ferreiro, ed.
Santiago, 1895. 2 vols. The only attempt at a study of all of the local
charters of a given town. A valuable source on pastoral matters

114. Saragossa. Ordinaciones de la imperial eiudad de Zaragoza. 1625.
Other editions, 1693, 1695. A two-volume reprint, with introductory mat-
ter, by Mora y Gaud6, 1908.

115. Seville. OrdenanQasdeS. Seville, 1527, reprinted 1632. Contains
a set of ordinances for the local shepherds’ gild; on the basis of this, the city
long claimed exemption from Mesta laws. Next to the Câceres collection
(No. 98), this is the most comprehensive of any of the local codifications.

г 16. Soria. Fuero de S. Text in Loperraez Corvalan, DescripciSn del
Obispado de Osma
(Madrid, 1788, 3 vols.), iii, pp. 86-182. Larruga, vols,
xx-xxii (see No. 85) gives what purports to be this fuero among other docu-
ments on Soria; he omits 237 sections out of 542. Loperraez' copy lacks
several important sections as given in the manuscript copy in the Academy
of History (12-14-2∕37). This code is full of data on pastoral affairs. Be-
cause of its date, 1256 (less than twenty years before the foundation of the
Mesta), as well as because of Soria’s position as the leading city in the Mesta,
it is of primary importance.

117. Teruel. OrdinacionesrealesdelacomunidaddeT. Saragossa, 1684.
See above, No. 87.

n8. Thesame. ForumTurolii. Aznar y Navarro, ed. Saragossa, 1905.

119. Toledo. OrdenanzasantiguasdeT. 1858. SeeNo. 61. Has a num-
ber of sections on local sheep laws and the town mesta.

120. Usagre. Fuero de U. Urena and Bonilla, eds. Madrid, 1907.
This admirable piece of work stands with Urena’s edition of the Zorita
fuero (see below, No. 121) as the best of the larger studies of any single
fuero. Cf. L6pez Ferreiro’s collection on Santiago, No. 113. This Usagre
fuero is equipped with helpful bibliographical data and a good glossary.

121. Zorita. Fuero de Z. Urena, ed. 19n. See above, No. X2θ.

3. Other printed sources

122. Alcubilla, Marcelo Martinez, ed. CSdigos antiguos de Espana.
Madrid, 1885. Sometimes bound in 2 vols. Contains, among other codes,
Fuero Juzgo {Lex Visigothorum), Siete Partidas, and the Novisima
It does not give the Nueva RecopilaciSn (see No. 142).
There are many editions of each of these, but this one, though lacking in
extensive commentaries, is accurate and convenient.

123. Aragon. ColecciSn de documentas inédites del Archiva General de A.
Vol. xl (1876). Has gild ordinances, notably a set for sheep owners (1333).

124. The same. Fueros, Observancias, Actos de carle . . . de A. Parral
y Cristobal, ed. Saragossa, 1907. 2 vols.

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