The name is absent


Alms, 55, 289 f., 339.

Alps, the, 298.

Alva, Duke of, 285.

America, 220, 336.

Amistad, ɪo.

Andalusia, 9, 28, 162, 303, 322, 333, 341.

Andia, 151.

Annuities, 268, 276, 284, 288 ff., 291.

Ansiaux, Maurice, 247; quoted, 244 f.

Apeos, 2i, n.

Appeals, 55, 112, n. ι.

Apulia, 155,156, 298.

Arabic words in the pastoral terminology
of Spain, 5.

Arable lands, extension of, 94, 326, 328,
34°. 344 f∙

Aragon, 51; pastoral terminology of, 12;
sheep highways in, 17; organization of
its migratory sheep industry, 32, 53;
migrations of Castilian sheep into, 36,
323; sheep taxes in, 146-150; the
Mesta admitted to, 343 f.

Aranda de Duero, 50.

Aranzada, 306.

Arbustum wtatum, 302.

Arcos, Duke of, 232.

Arles, 143.

Armada, the, 334, 335.

Armstrong, Clement, 44, n. 5.

Asientos, 218, 236 f.

Asociaci6n General de Ganaderos del
Reino, the, ix, 50, 62, 206, n. 2, 282,
346, n. 3, 348.

Astorga, bishopric of, 51.

Asturias, 250.

Audiencia de contadores, 278, n. 4.

Audiencias, 106, n. 3, 109.

Autonomy, 135, 192, 209, 231.

Avila, 19, г 13, 123, 231, 269, 319; bish-
opric of, 51.

Azadores reales, 17.

Azaqui, asequi, 255.

Badajoz, 19, 98 f., 106 f., 175, n. 3, ι8r,
182, 183, 356.

Baetica, fine wools of, 3.

Baeza, 341.

Bailes, 144.


Baillis, 67.

Baldios, 92, 93, n. ι, 301.

Baliwis ciwtatis, 154.

Balkans, the, sheep highways in, ɪj.

Balks, in English husbandry, 320.

Baraona, 93, n. 2.

Barbary corsairs, the, 285.

Barcaje, 25r, 425.

Barcelona, 38.

Bârdenas pasturage district, ɪʒɪ, 152,
ɪʒɛ, 254, 298, n. 3.

Barrachina, Tomâs, 299, n. 3.

Barrau-Dihigo, L., 16r, n. ι.

Barrio, 164.

Bâscones, 219, n. 4, 224, n. ɪ.

Béarn, 146, 298.

Beggary, the sequence of imperialism,

Béjar, 19.

Béjar, Dukes of, 59, 61, 333.

Belalcâzar, 113, 126.

Bellwethers, 24, 26.

Benevolences, 268, n. 3.

Beni-Merines, North African tribe, 4 f.

Berbeja, 164.

Berbers, connection of, with the Spanish
sheep industry, 4 ff., 10.

Berlanga, 50.

Bilbao, 34, n. i, 35, 38, 343, 415.

Black Death, the, 7 f., 35, 193, 297.

Boalares, 150, n. 3, 303, n. 3.

Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 15, n. 2.

Bonar, 91, n. i.

Bonds, required of Mesta officers, 52.

Borregos, 277, note.

Bosques, 92.

Bourbon, house of, in Naples, 156, 298;

in Spain, 291 f., 343 f.

Bourgoing, Jean François, 26, 420.

Boyerizos, 56, n. ι.

Branding, 13.

Branosera, 164.

Brazacorta, 91, n. ι.

Brieva, Matias, 252, 4r4.

Briones, 163, n. i, 170, n. ι.

Bruges, factory of Spanish wool mer-
chants at, 34, 37.

Buendfa, countship of, holds as its prop-



erty the office of chief entregador of
the Mesta, 8ι f., 85, 108, 382, n. ɪ;
sale of the office to the Mesta (1568),
82, 85, 96, 230, 283 f.

Buitrago, 19, 50, 91, n. i, 106; exemp-
tion of, from the jurisdiction of
374 f.

Bull fights, income from, 15, n. ι.

Burgos, 19, 23, 34, n. 1, 36, 42, 43, 107,
112, n. 2, 172, 281, 343; bishopric of,
Consulado of, 38 ff., 45, 47; Cortes
of (ɪʒɪs). 326.

Bustum vitalum, 302.

CabaUeros, 89.

Caballeros de la sierra, 89, n. ɪ.

Cabana, 5, 24, 43, 59, 307, n. ι.

Cabana real, 24, 303, n. 3.

Cabana Real de Carreleros, 22 f.

Cabaneras, 17, 72.

Cabaniles, 17, n. 3, 43.

Cabanos, 56, n. ɪ.

Cabrerizos, 56, n. ι.

Ciceres, 19, 74, 87, 93, n. ι, 98, 99, 106,
170, n. i, 182,183,185 f., 198, 245, 249,
274, ʒɪð. 324, 333> 408, 4i6∙

Cadiz, 162, 237, 347, 348.

Caesar, Julius, 141.

Calahorra, bishopric of, 51.

Calatayud, 99, 148, 169, n. ɪ, 299;
Iigajo of, 32.

Calatrava, military order of, 60, 80, 86,
106, 190, n. 3, 239.

Calle de las Huertas, 50, 403.

Calles, 17, 69.

Caminantes, 7, 301.

Campana de Albali, 234, n. 2.

Campomanes, Count Pedro Rodriguez
de, Spanish statesman and economist,
47> 53, 6ι, ɪɪ- ɪ, 7°, 99, 126, 127, ɪɪ- 2,
133 f., 249, 294, 305, 323, n. i, 345 S.,
35i, 357,414.

Canadas, 17-22, 89 ff., 113, 237, 250, 252,
259, 308, 317 f∙, 341> 348;
de hoja, 21;
Segoviana, 87; Toledana, 87.

Canariegos, 7.

Capanna, 5.

Cirdenas, Alfonso de, 271, 272.

Carnal, carnau, 145.

Carnerage, 149, 156 f., 254.

Cameras, 158.

Carniceros, 93.

Carpathians, the, sheep highways in,
17, n. 2; pastoral festivities in, 24,
n. i.

Carraires, 18,143.

Carreradas, 17.

Carreteros, Cabana Real de, 22 f., 220,
n- ι,334f∙

Carrillo family, 81, 82, 2∞, 371 ff.

Carrillo, Gomez, entregador-in-chief, 81,
200, 371.

Carrillo, Gomez, grandson of the preced-
ing, proprietary entregador-in-chief,
81; his commission, 371 S.

Cartagena, 182.

Carta general, 213.

Cartas de pax, 298.

Carthaginians, the, 7.

Casa de Contrataci6n, the, at Seville, 40.

Casa de Ganaderos, the, of Saragossa, 31,
n. i, 32, si, 69, 70-73,147 f., 155, IS9,
299 f., 410.

Castejon, see Ruiz de Castejon.

Castile, union of, with Le6n, 167.

Castilleria, 251, 398, 426.

Castro, Antonio de, 120, n. ι.

Catalonia, sheep highways in, 17;
growth of migratory sheep raising in,

Cateau-Cambrésis, peace of (1539), 285.

Catharine, daughter of John of Gaunt,
queen of Henry III of Castile, 4.

Catharine, sister of John II of Castile,
264, n. i.

Catholic Kings, the, see Ferdinand

Саха de Leruela, Miguel, 26, 123, 339,

Censo, 289, n. i, 290.

Censors, Roman, 154.

Centocellas, 165, n. ι.

Chamorras, 29.

Chancillerias, the, at Valladolid and
Granada, 72, 78, 84, 95, ιιι-ιι6,122-
126, 128,-131, 2i8, 229, 230
ff., 234 f.,

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