43 6
Ferdinand II (V of Castile, III of Naples)
(the Catholic), king of Aragon (1479—
15r6) and Sicily (1468-r516), 6,13,14,
15, 20, 22, el passim`, local sheep taxes
during his reign, 208-226; royal sheep
taxes during his reign, 270-274; his
pasturage policy, 316-325.
Ferdinand I, king of Castile (1033-65)
and of Le6n (1037-65), 164, 167.
Ferdinand III (the Saint), king of Castile
(τ217-52) and of Le6n (1230-52), 77,
169, n. 1, 171, 277, 180, 256, n. I.
Ferdinand IV (the Summoned), king of
Castile and Le6n (r295-1312), ɪoɪ,
102, 181, 182, 188; concession of
jurisdiction over strays, 368 fi.; ex-
emption granted to Buitrago, 374 f.
Ferdinand VI, king of Spain (r746-59),
ɪʒɪ, 344-
Ferdinand VII, king of Spain (18r4-33),
252, 294, 346.
Fernândez de Arevalo, Juan, 81.
Feudal land taxes, preceded by sheep
taxes, 141, 353.
Field drivers, 74.
Fires, in the Castilian forests, 307.
Flanders, 29, 34, 37, 321, n. 3.
Flemish satellites of Charles V, 38, 45,
227, 280, 281.
Florence, Spanish factory at, 37.
Foggia, fair at, 30 f.
Forasteros, 76, 98, 253, 300, 313, 357.
Foreign exchange, operations of, 38.
Forest conservation, measures of, in
Castile, 307, 320 ff., 328.
Forest laws, the, of mediaeval England,
Foxes, 334.
Framontanos117 f.
France, 67, 68, 275, 348; sheep taxes in,
140, 141, 142-r46,163, n. 2.
Francis I, king of France (1515-47), 28r.
Frederick II, Holy Roman emperor
(1212-50), 69, 154, 298.
Fuenleal, Sebastian Ramirez de, ec-
clesiastic and administrator, 9.
Fuero Juzgo1 ι8, 301, 305, n. 3, 418.
Fuero Real, 304.
Fuerte Escusa, ιr3.
Fuggers, banking family of Augsburg,
282 f., 286, 327, 333, 34r.
‘ Futures,’ dealings in, 4r, 42.
Galianas1 17, n. 3.
Galleys, the, 70, n. ι.
Ganado, 5.
Garcla Icazbalceta, Joaqufn, Mexican
historian, 9, n. ι.
Genoesebankers, 227, 335.
Germanbankers, 227.
Golfines1 89, 184, 188, 190, n. 3, 240.
Gomez de Agreda, 2r5.
Gonzalez de Sep61veda, 2r5.
Goths, the, 7.
Gounon-Loubens, Jules, 247.
Grain, transportation of, 23.
Grain fields, 18, 89, 303, 305, 319.
Granada, 231, 333; capture of (1492),
42; ordinances of the town mesta of
(1520), 364-367; kingdom of, 179, 224,
317; chancilleria of, see Chancillerias.
Grey1 24, n. 5.
Guadalajara, 213.
Guadalquivir, the, 19; valley of, 3, 19,
250, 302.
Guadalupe, 19, 50, 54; monastery of, 59,
Guadarrama, Sierra de, r9.
Guadiana, the, 19; valley of, 23.
Guardas de huertas1 89, n. ι.
Guardas del verde, 89, n. ι.
Guardia civil, 89, n. ι.
Gutierrez de Cârdenas, 268,n.3,273, n.3.
Gypsies, 42, 57, 126.
Haiti, 29 r.
Hapsburg, house of, 93, 105, 117, 120,
123, 227, 275, 328, 337, 342, 352, 353.
Halos, 24, 57.
Henry II (of Trastamara), king of Castile
and Le6n (1369-79), 112, 162, n. 2,
r65, n. 3, 192, T94, 195-r98, 2∞, 262,
ʒɪɪ. 354, 355∙
Henry III (the Invalid), king of Castile
andLe6n (1390-1406), 4, 81,192, 193,
2∞ ff., 354.
Henry IV (the Impotent), king of Castile
and Le6n (1454-74), 5,40 f., 46,81, 82,
83,193,194, 202, 204 f., 208, 211, n. ɪ,
212, 262, 264-269, 270, 271,312 f., 319,
Henryl,kingof England (1100-35),67,68.
Henry II, king of England (1154-89), 34,
Henry (d. 1445), third son of Ferdinand I
of Aragon, 263, 264.
Herbage, 157,426.
Heredamientos, 310.
Hermandad, the national, 42 f., 212;
local hermandades, 43, n. ι, 115, 252.
Hog reeves, 13, 74.
Hojas, 21, 320, 328, 344.
Holy Alliance, the, 348.
Hombres buenos, see Omes buenos.
Horse fair, the, at Câceres, 74.
Horses, 24, 177, 244, n. i, 248, 303.
Huelamo, 31.
Hunting privileges, injurious to agri-
culture, 332, n. 4.
Iberians, the, 7,15; supposed sheep high-
ways of, 17 f.
Icazbalceta, see Garcfa Icazbalceta.
Imperialism, Spanish, 275, 280 S.
Import tariffs, 36; French, 145.
Infantazgo, Dukes of, 21, n. 2, 59, 122.
Inquisition, the, 338.
Insaculacibn, 52.
Intendentes, 291 f.
Invernaderos, 303.
Investments, 55, 284.
Iron, transportation of, 23.
Isabella I (the Catholic), queen of Castile
(1474-1504), 6, 13, 14, IS> 20> 22> et
passim-, local sheep taxes during her
reign, 208-226; royal sheep taxes
during her reign, 270-274; her pas-
turage policy, 316-325.
Italian satellites of Charles V, 38,45.
Italy, 5, 24, n. i, 293; sheep highways in,
17; sale of pastoral products in, 30 f.;
organization of the migratory pastoral
industry, 69 f.; sheep taxes, 140, 141,
142; pasturage problems in, 297 f.
Jamaica, 291.
James I (the Conqueror), king of Aragon
(ι 213-76), 150, τ56, 157, 299, n. i.
James II (the Just), king of Aragon
(1291-1327), 150, n. 3, 157, 408.
Jews, 38, 217, 258, 351.
John I, king of Castile and Le6n (1379-
90), 81, 112, 129, 193, 197-2∞, 262.
John II, king of Castile and Le6n (1406-
54), 5, 81, 82,192, 193, 202, 205, 262.
John of Gaunt, 4.
Jovellanos, Melchor de, Spanish econ-
omist, 347.
Judaism, 25.
Jueces (Juezes) Pesquisidores, ггз-ггб,
226, 228, 232-236, 277 f., 318, 326.
Juez comisario, instructions to (1489),
398 ff.
Juez Conservador, the, of the Carreteros,
22, 220, n. ι.
Juez de comisibn, 214, n. ι.
Juro de yerbas, 285, n. ι.
Juros, 268, 270, 276, 284, 285, n. i, 288 f.,
Juros de heredad, 268.
Justices in eyre, 67.
Justicia, the, of the Saragossan Casa de
Ganaderos, 70-73.
Kind, taxes in, 225 f.
Klein, J., “ Los Privilegios de la Mesta
de 1273 у 1276,” 306, n. i.
Laborde, Alexandre de, 26, 42r.
La Mancha, 19, 190, n. 3, 302, 303.
Lammas land, in England, 304.
Lana merina, 5.
La Rochelle, Spanish factory at, 37.
Las Huelgas, monastery of, 169, n. x,
Las Navas de Tolosa, battle of (12x2),
Las Siete Partidas, see Partidas.
Ledesma, Count of, see Cueva.
Le6n, 23, 28, 29, 50, 51, 130, 234, 287,
322; bishopric of, 51; canada of, 87;
kingdom of, united with Castile, 167;
quadrilla of, 51.