The name is absent



Sanjuaniegos, 93.

San Martin, church of, in Madrid, 50.

San Sebastiin, 34, n. ι, 35.

San Severo, 155.

Santa Juliana, monastery of, 164.

Santa Maria del Paular, monastery of,

Santa Maria de Nieva, Cortes of (1473),
211, 269.

Santander, 34, n. ɪ, 35.

Santiago, military order of, 214, 239, 263,
264, 271 f., 418.

Santiago de Compostella, 171 ff., 177,

Santo Domingo, 9.

Saracens, the, 5.

Saragossa, 216, 218, 276, 410, 417. See
Casa de Canaderos.

Saxony, merino sheep in, 47.

Scotland, 140, n. i.

Scriplura, 154, 254.

Segovia, 8, n. 2, 19, 23, 28, 29, 34, n. ι,
39, 42, 46, 50, 51, ∏3, 184, 231, 234,
281, 287, 322, 410; bishopric of, 51;
Comunidad of, 99, n. 3; law of (1390),
quadrilla of, 51.

Sempronian laws, the, 154.

Seneschals, 67.

Separatism, 86, 104, 230, 246, 232, 278,
343ι 352, 35<5∙

Sepfilveda, 165, n. 3, 199, n. 3.

Serranos, 6r.

Servicio, 58, 186, 257, 280, 327, 354.

Servicio de ganados, 186, 256-261, 354.

Servicio de montazgo, 261.

Servicio y montazgo, 53, 149, 157, 173,
178, 186, 190, 198, 222, n. 2, 255, note,
257 f., 261, 262, 263-269, 270-280,
283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 292, 354;
ordinances governing its collection
(i457)ι 391-397∙

Seville, 10, 23, 75, 77,106, ɪɪi, n. 2,174,
182, 217, 234, 410, 417.

Shearers, 29.

Shearing, 29.

Sheep dogs, 24 f., 56.

Sheepfold, 25.

Shepherds, life and duties of, 56 f.

Sicily, 163, n. 2.

Sieie Partidas, see Partidas.

Siguenza, 19,50,91, n. 3; bishopric of, 51.

Silver fleets, the, 275, 321.

Simancas, 119, 403, 408.

Siruela, 50,

Sisas, 58.

Sldns, 25.

Smith, Adam, economist, 346.

Sogas de marco, 18, 89.

Soria, 12, 19, 28, 29, 50, 51, 184, in,
n. ɪ, 281, 287, 322, 410, 417; quadrilla
of, 51

Soruela, Duke of, 232.

Southampton, customs reports of, 34.

Spanish America, effort to introduce the
Mesta into, 8 f.

Spanish March, the, 149, n. 5.

Spanish Succession, war of the, 57l 131,

Staiiones, 154, 155.

Strays, see Mostrencos.

Subdelegados, 347.

Subsidies, 54, 88, 117, 119 fl.

Sweden, merino sheep in, 47.

Swine, 24,337.

Switzerland, 140, n. ɪ.

Tagus, the, 19,112, n. 2.

Tajados, 203.

Talavera, 19, 22, 50, 252, 280.

Tarazona, bishopric of, 51.

Taxation of sheep, 139-294; sheep taxes
in the Mediterranean region, 139-160;
mediaeval sheep taxes in Castile, 161-
175; local taxes during the rise of the
Mesta (1273-1474), 176-207; local
taxes under Ferdinand and Isabella
(1474-1516), 208-226; local taxes
under the Hapsburgs and early Boub-
bons (1516-1836), 227-253; mediaeval
royal sheep taxes, 254-269; royal
sheep taxes of the autocracy, 270-294;
terms indicating local taxes levied
upon sheep, 423-428.

Tax receipts signed in blank, 267.

Teamsters, Royal Association of, 22 f.

Temple, Order of the, 171,172.



Um,used in Mesta elections, 5 2, and Plate.

Urraca, queen of Castile (ι 109-26), 169
n. I.

Usury, 76.

Valencia, city, 32, 38, 157.

Valencia, kingdom, 137; sheep highways
in, 17; sheep taxes in, 150, 157, 198;
privileges of sheep owners in 299, n. ɪ;
fiscal history of, 418.

Valladolid, 22, 23, 46,112, 113,114, 115.

See Chancitterlas.

Valle de Lozoya, 51.

Valpuesta, 164.

Vaquerizos or Vaqueras, 56, n. ι.

Varas, 18.

Varro, 69, x53.

Vasquez de Acuna, Lope, 81.

Vecinos, 228, 332, n. 3.

Veedores, 212, 274.

Vega, Garcilaso de la, poet, 237, n. 3.

Veintena, 261.

Velasquez, representations of shepherd
dogs by, 25, n. r.

Veredas, 20.

Vieeras, 24, n. 6.

Vierzo, 23.

Villafranca de la Puente del Arzobispo,
procedure in the court of an alcalde
entregador at (1457), 376-381.

Villalon, 174, n. 2.

Villa Nova de Gaia, 152.

Villanueva de la Serena, 50, 411.

Villa Real, 190.

Villena, Marquis of, see Pacheco.

Vineyards, 18, 89, 97, n. 2, 303, 304, 305,
319∣ 340, 34i∙

Vinuesa, Juan de, 215.

Visigoths, the, migratory sheep industry
of, 15; laws of, relating to sheep, ιx,
18, 417.

Vitoria, 23.

Wages, 58 f.

Warehouses, 29, 47.

Wars of the Roses, Spanish, 194.

Weavers, 38, n. ι.

I Weiss, Charles, 247, 421∙

Tenorio, Juan, 8ι.

Terra cotta ware, 23.

Teruel, 51, 99,148, 299, 344, 417.

Thieves, 25, n. ι, 97, 184.

Three-field system, in Spain, 21, 320.

Tierras abiertas, 301.

Tiles, 23.

Toledo, 21, 22, 23, 75, ɪoo, 162,167,174,
231, 234, 252; archbishopric of, 122 f.,
196; Cortes of (1480), 210 f., 247,
272 ff., 319.

Tolls on sheep, 140-294, 353, 391-397,

Tordesillas, 22.

Toro, 22, 231.

Town leagues, see Comunidades.

Trade, between migratory shepherds and
the sedentary population, 30; signifi-
cance of the Spanish wool trade, 34.
See Alcabala, Export duties, Fairs,
Import tariffs, Marketing,
Mercantilism, Middlemen, Wool
‘ futures.’

Traitis de lies-passeries, 298.
Transhumantes, 7, et passim.
Tralturi, ιy,

Travesio, 250, 266, n. 2, 274, n. 2, 283,
292, n. 4.

Tres tanto, 238, n. ɪ.

Tribuncde della dogana della mena dette
pecore di Puglia,

Trimming of trees for fodder, the, 190,
n. 6, 301, 306 f., 320 f., 337.

Tripoli, 285.

Trujillo, 274.

Tudors, the early, agrarian England of,
3i4 ff∙

Tunis, 142, 281.

Turdetania, fine wools of, 3; reddish
wool of,

Turks, campaigns of Philip ∏ against,
ɪs, 239, n∙ 2, 275.

Ûbeda, ordinances of the town mesta of,

Uclés, 74, 271, 272.

Universality, idea of, 51, n. ɪ, 79, 262.

Urbassa, 151.

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