Leonora (Eleanor), Queen, 82, n. 2.
Lepanto, battle of (1571), 335.
Lerma, Duke of, Spanish minister, 287.
Leruela, see Саха de Leruela.
Letux, cofradia of shepherds of, 32.
Ley de Toledo, 212.
Leyes de Toro, 325.
Lezda, 30, 158, n. 3, 166, n. ι, 261, note.
Libro de la Monteria, 307 f.
Licenses for enclosures, 95 f.
Licinian law, the, 154, n. ι.
Ligajos, 12.
Ligallos, i2.
Linares, bishop of, on ecclesiastical claims
to stray animals, 15, n. 2.
Loans, 117, 279-283, 335.
Locust, the, 7.
Logrono, 19, 39, 174.
London, Spanish factory at, 37.
Lonjas, 29.
Lopez de Chinchilla, 213, 215.
L6pez de Orozco, Inigo, entregador-in-
chief, 8τ.
Lot, election by, 52.
Louis XII, king of France (1498-1515),
Louis XIV, king of France (1643-1715),
Lugares vedados у dehesados, 303.
Luna, Alvaro de, 193, 202, 206, n. ɪ, 264f.
Lutherans, 281.
Madrid, 21, 22, 23, 61, 75, 93, n. ι, 112,
206, n. 2, 312, n. ι.
Madrigal, Cortes of (1476), 210.
Maestrazgos, 279, 282 f., 327.
Maestro de escuela, 123.
Maiorinus, royal magistrate of mediaeval
Castile, 3 f., 5,6.
Malpartida, code of, 49, 322, 323.
Manadas, 24.
Manrique, Rodrigo, 271.
Mansos, 26.
Maqueda, Duke of, 232, 283, 287.
Maravedi, value of the, 58, n. 7, 279, n. ɪ.
Marina, 4.
Marketing of wool, the, 30-48.
Mastines, 24.
Maximilian I, Holy Roman emperor
(1493-1519), 280.
Mayoral, 24.
Mayorazgos, 325, 336.
Mechta, 5, 10.
Medina del Campo, 29, 34, n. ι, 39, 42,
5°, »2, 333, 343∙
Medios diezmos, 240, 242 ff., 428.
Mencal, metcal, milical, 199, n. 3.
Mendez de Silva, Rodrigo, 129.
Mercantilism, 37, 94, ɪsð, 329, 343, 344»
Merchaniegos, 28, 43 f., 225, 427.
M6rida, 19, 333.
Merino, magistrate, 3 f., 5, 76, 80.
Merino sheep, origin of the 3-6; im-
provement of, 7; importance of, 7f.,
357; exported from Spain, 47, 349;
present number of, in Spain, 349.
Messari, τ54.
Mesta, the, see Contents; the Mesta
archive, r97, n. ι, 402-405.
Mestenos, 10, 12, 13, 14, 55.
Mexfa, Jorge, attorney-general of the
Mesta, 217, 2r8, 324.
Mexico, the Mesta code in, 9, 276;
mining in, 9, 23; treasures of, 227.
Mezdados, 10.
Meztas, n.
Middlemen, 41 f., 45, 47, 325, 329.
Mieses, 305.
Military orders, the (Aldintara, Cala-
trava, Montesa, Santiago), 14, 21, 24,
127,162,172,173,177,187,199, 239fi.,
279, 293, 3i8, 327, 337, 407, 4i8∙
Millones, 58,120 f., 287 f., 289, n. ɪ, 292
334, 34°∙
Miraglo, 174.
Mixta, ιι.
Mojaraches, 58, n. ι.
Mojonamienlo, 103, 309, 376-381.
Mojones, 312.
Momarraches, 58, n. ι, 427.
Money economy, rise of, 225 f.
Monopolies, 41, 286.
Montadego, montado, 163, n. ι.
Montadigo, montadgo, 152.
Montagium, montage, 149,163, n. 2.
Montalbân, 50.
Montanera, 163, n. 2, 427.
Montanneros, 89, n. x.
Montaticum, 148, 152, n. 3, 163, n. 2,
168, n. 2, 169, n. x.
Montazgo, 148 s., 156, n. 2, 163 f., 166-
186, 178-207, 220, n. 2, 222, 237, n. 3,
241, 250, 254 f., 262, 306, 354.
Montearagon, canada of, 87.
Montes, 149,163,174,178, x8o, 255, note,
Montesa, military order of, 239.
Montes realencos, 299.
Montitium, 163, n. 2.
Moors, 42, 297, 353; indebtedness of the
Spanish migratory pastoral industry
to, 5 ff.; expelled, 156, 162, 220.
Morales, Ambrosio de, quoted, vii, 357.
Moriscos, 94, 285, 318, n, 2, 326, 337,
Morrueco, s, 24, 26, 220, n. 2, 273, 277,
Mostrencos, 10, 14 f., 55, 75, 89, 241 f.,
276, 289, 368-370.
Mountains, as a unifying influence, 145.
Movable property, significance of sheep
dues as a pre-feudal tax on, 141, 353.
Muladares, 93.
Mules, 24, n. 6, 303, n. 3.
Mufiio Ntifiez, Count, 164.
Murat, Joachim, king of Naples (x8o8-
15), 156, 298.
Murcia, city, 113, 174, 218, 234 f.; king-
dom, 19, 250, 263, 271, n. 3, 317.
Mustang, 10, n. 6.
Mutton, use of, 25; supposed medicinal
qualities, 25, n. 5.
Nâjera, 163, n. ι.
Nationalism, 104.
National markets, growth of, 28, 223.
Navarre, 419; pastoral terminology of,
xi, and Glossary; sheep taxes in, 30,
150 ff.; migrations of Castilian sheep
into, 36, 150 f., 323; migrations of
Béarn herdsmen into, 146; royal sheep
taxes in, 158, 198; royal demesne pas-
tures, 298 f.
Net, 25.
Netherlands, the, 275, 285.
New England, hog reeves in, 13.
New Spain, 9.
New World, the, 15, 275, 276, 326.
Normandy, 67.
North Africa, 140, 297.
Ocafia, Cortes of (1469), 211.
Olivarez, Count, Spanish statesman,
287, 291, 339.
Olmedo, 112.
Omes buenos, 103, 309, 377.
Ofia, monastery of, 169, n. ι.
Oporto, 152.
Orchards, 18, 303, 305, 319.
Ordenamiento de Alcald (1348), 191, n. 3,
Orgaz, 190, n. 3.
Orozco family, 193.
Osuna, bishopric of, 51.
Otero, 10, n. 2.
Oveja encencerrada, 220, n. 2, 273.
Ovens, communal, 427.
Oviedo, cathedral of, 164, n. ι, 171, n. 2.
Oxen, care of, 303, n. 3; used by the
carreteros, 22 f.; ox carts, 22, 23; ox
pastures, see Dehesas boyales, Dehesas
de bueyes, Dehesa de labor.
Pacheco, Juan, Marquis of Villena, 265,
267, 271.
Pack trains, 24, 23.
Paino y Hurtado, Vicente, 106, 409, 414.
Palencia, 19; Cortes of (1313), 76 f.
Palmos, 89.
Pdmpanos, 304,328.
Pan, 176.
Panes, 320.
Parideras, 26.
Paris, Parlement of, 246.
Partidas, the, code of Alfonso X, 74,166,
173 f., 180, 191, n. 3, 192, 304 ff., 307,
Pasaje, 210, 250, 427.
Pasajeros, 7.
Posantes, 7.
Pasos, 250.