236 f., 241, 245 f., 278, 285, 315> ɜɪðj
332, ЗЗб. 356, 418.
Chapitel, 158, n. 3, 426.
Charles V, Holy Roman emperor (1519-
56), king of Spain (as Charles I,
1516-56), 14, 26, 28, 36, 38, 44 f., 96,
113, 227-232, 235, 241, 279-283, 308,
327 ff., 331, 332, 341, 356.
Charles II, king of Spain (1665-1700),
128, 244, 245, 250, 291, 342.
Charles III, king of Spain (1759-88)
and of the Two Sicilies (at Charles
V∏, 1735-59). 23, 61, n. i, 70,97,126,
132 fi., 155, 156, 157, 249, 251, 293 f.,
317, 32if., 345ff., 357.
Charles IV, king of Spain (1788-1808),
252, 346.
Cheese, tolls in, 144, 363.
Chile, 140, n. i, 141.
Christmas eve, merrymaking on, 57 f.
Church, the, claims stray animals, 14 f.,
241; assumes an aggressive attitude
toward the Mesta, 123; collects the
cruzada and the diezmo, 241 fi.
Churro, 6, 7.
Ciara, 174
Cicero, 69.
Cid, the, 162.
Cinco cosas vedadas, see Cosas vedadas.
Ciudad Real, 112, 218, 252.
Clippers, 29.
Clipping, 29.
Cock, Enrique, cited, 46, n. 3.
Cofradias, 35.
Colbert, Frenchstatesman, 343,344,413.
Colmeiro, Manuel, 247,402,419,421,422.
Colmenares, 93.
Comisionados, 213-216.
Comissarios de la cruzado, 15, n. ι.
Commerce, see Trade.
Common of estovers, in England, 306,
n. 3.
Common of shack, in England, 304.
Commons, 92, 144, 148, 303, 305, 310f.,
319, 335, 344, 345, 348-
Companero, 187 f.
Company of the Five Gilds, the, 47.
Competition, a bugbear, 322.
Comuneros, revolt of the (1520-21), 104
228, 233, 281, 355.
Comunidades, leagues of pasturage towns,
32, 99,115, 146, 148, 216, n. 2, 287 f.,
299. 332, 355∙
Concejos, 10, 103, 112, 306.
Conciliar government, 246.
Concordias, 55, 205 f., 218, 236 f., 248,
251, 252.
Condestable, 232.
Condiciones de millones, 120 f., 287 f.
Conductores, 298.
Conquistadores, the, 9, 134.
Conscription, 57.
ConsejodelasOrdenes, 127, 239.
Consulado (foreign trade house) of
Burgos, 38ff., 45, 47.
Consumas, 47.
Contadores, 54.
Contaduria Mayor, the, 278.
Corddes, 20, 426.
Cordones, rj, n. 3.
Cordova, 182, 183, 198, n. 4, 216, αx8,
252, 333∙
Cordova, Gonsalvo de, 155, 215.
Coria, 23, 182, 185 f., 198.
Corrales de mostrencos, 93.
Corregidores, 44, 80,104,121 f., 218, 226,
228, 229 f., 251, 286, 287, 320, 334.
Cortes, the, 20, 88, 91, 94 f., 100, 102,
103, et passim.
Cortes, Hernando, 134.
Coruna, 281.
Cosas Dedadas, 303 f., 311, 319.
Cotswold region, the, in England, 315.
Couserans district, the, 144.
Cows, 24.
Cruzada, 15, 241 f.
Cuenca, 19, 21, n. 2, 28, 29, 50, 51, ɪoɪ,
113, i95> i99> 231, 281, 287, 318, n. 6,
322; archive of, 409; bishopric of,
129, 195; canada of, 87; fuero of, 416;
province of, 31; quadrilla of, 51.
Cuerdas, 17, n. 3.
Cueva, Beltran de la, 265, 267.
Daroca, 99, 148, 299, 344, 416.
Debasement of the currency, 284, 291.
Defesa, 303.
Deforestation, 306 ft., 320 ff., 328, 333,
337, 34∑, 351∙
Dehesa de labor, 303.
Dehesas, 239, 303, 305, 313.
Dehesas boyales, 93, 95, n. 2, 303.
Dehesas de bueyes, 298, n. 3, 303.
Deheseros, 95, n 2.
Democracy, characteristic of Spanish
political machinery during the Middle
Ages, 49∙
Derecho de paia hendida, 277, note, 288,
n. 4, 427.
Derechos, 237.
Desafiamientos, 355, n. x.
Deslindes, 21, n.
Detail, attention to, in Spanish political
machinery during the Middle Ages, 49.
Diezmo del mar, export tax collected at
ports, 40 f., 46, 256.
Diezmos, export and import duties, 41,
242, 255 f ; tithes, 184, 240, 241-244,
Divisa, 303.
Doblas de oro cdbeza, 129.
Dogana della mena delle pecore di Puglia,
Doganiere, 69.
Don Benito, 50.
Dulas, 24, n. 6.
Elbora (Evora ?), 152.
Eleanor Plantagenet, daughter of Henry
II of England, queen of Alfonso VIII
of Castile, 4.
El Grande, title of Philip IV of Spain,
El Justiciero, title of Alfonso XI, ι88.
‘ Emergency ’ contributions, 291.
Empleadismo, 62.
Encencerrados, 24, 26.
Encia, 151.
Enclosures, 92-95, 301-304, 308-312,
327, 329, 33i ≡∙, 334-337, 340 f∙, 348;
in England, 315.
Encomendero, 246, n. 2.
Encomiendas, 239 f.
England, 275; supposed introduction of
merinos from, 4, 35; shipment of wool
t0, 29> 34, 37; administration of jus-
tice in the rural districts, 67 f.;
similarity of pasturage conditions in
England and in Castile, 313 ff , 344.
Enquêteurs, 67.
Entrega, 76.
Enriquez, Alonso, lord of Villalba, 219,
n. I.
Entail, 325.
Eniregador (alcalde entregador) of the
Mesta, 20, 43, 52, r8o, 187 f, 193, 209,
213, 217, 2i8, 230, 231, 241, 245, 248,
309 f., 318, 319, 332, 333, 336, 340,
342,346,355,356; origins, 67-85; the
entregador and the towns, 86-116;
decline, 117-135; proceedings in the
court of an alcalde entregador (1457),
376-381 ; instructions to entregadores
promulgated by Charles V (1529),
Entrepanes1 320.
Entrepreneurs, in the English cloth in-
dustry, 38.
Erosion, 307.
Escalona, 19.
Escorial, the, 19, 54, 59.
Estadales, 306, n. 2.
Estantes, 57, 92, 121, 238, 258, 278, 341.
Estremadura, important pasturage pro-
vince, 28, 112, n. 2, 133, 134, ι8ι, ι86,
n. 2, 250, 293, 294, 302, 303, 318, 322,
333, 335, 34i, 345; home of many of
the conquistadores, 9, 134.
Exemption from military service, 57;
from visitation of entregadores, 124 f.,
128, 355; from sheep taxes, ι6ι ff.;
from local ɪnontazgos and portazgos,
ι68,170 f., 174,194, 202; iτora pechos,
201, n. 2, 202, n. i, 270.
Exidos, ijidos, 303, 305, 310.
Export duties, 31, 46, 275, n. 3, 292, 293.
Exportation of sheep from Spain, for-
bidden, 36.
Facerias, 298.
Fairs, 30, 74. See Medina del Campo.
Fanegas, 58.