Employed |
Unemployed |
Total | |
Number of observations Residential characteristics |
9,800 |
673 |
10,473 |
Deprived neighborhood(a) |
2,980 (30.41) |
323 (47.99) |
3,303 (31.54) |
Renter in the public sector |
1,751 (17.87) |
256 (38.04) |
2,007 (19.16) |
Renter in the private sector |
2,517 (25.68) |
217 (32.24) |
2,734 (26.11) |
Homeowner |
5,155 (52.60) |
178 (26.45) |
5,333 (50.92) |
Other tenures Personal characteristics |
377 (3.85) |
22 (3.27) |
399 (3.81) |
Age Nationality |
41.84 |
41.55 |
41.83 |
French born in France |
8,003 (81.66) |
423 (62.85) |
8,426 (80.45) |
French born abroad |
966 (9.86) |
86 (12.78) |
1,052 (10.04) |
Foreign nationality |
831 (8.48) |
164 (24.37) |
995 (9.50) |
No diploma |
1,256 (12.82) |
167 (24.81) |
1,423 (13.59) |
At most lower secondary edu. |
1,223 (12.48) |
112 (16.64) |
1,335 (12.75) |
Vocational training |
2,796 (28.53) |
183 (27.19) |
2,979 (28.44) |
High school final diploma |
1,261 (12.87) |
71 (10.55) |
1,332 (12.72) |
University degree Occupational status |
3,264 (33.31) |
140 (20.80) |
3,404 (32.50) |
Farmer or independent worker |
1,041 (10.62) |
37 (5.50) |
1,078 (10.29) |
Executive |
2,468 (25.18) |
89 (13.22) |
2,557 (24.42) |
Intermediate professions (b) |
3,204 (30.59) |
154 (22.88) |
2,685 (25.64) |
Office worker |
957 (9.77) |
64 (9.51) |
1,021 (9.75) |
Blue-collar Characteristics of the spouse Age Nationality |
2,803 (28.60) |
329 (48.89) |
3,132 (29.91) |
French born in France |
8,133 (82.99) |
451 (67.01) |
8,584 (81.96) |
French born abroad |
871 (8.89) |
78 (11.59) |
949 (9.06) |
Foreign nationality |
796 (8.12) |
144 (21.40) |
940 (8.98) |
No diploma |
1,171 (11.95) |
159 (23.63) |
1,330 (12.70) |
At most lower secondary edu. |
1,517 (15.48) |
125 (18.57) |
1,642 (15.68) |
Vocational training |
2,185 (22.30) |
143 (21.25) |
2,328 (22.23) |
High school final diploma |
1,626 (16.59) |
80 (11.89) |
1,706 (16.29) |
University degree |
3,301 (33.68) |
166 (24.67) |
3,467 (33.10) |
None |
2,749 ( 28.05) |
220 (32.69) |
2,969 (28.35) |
One |
2,488 (25.39) |
167 (24.81) |
2,655 (25.35) |
Two |
2,905 (29.64) |
144 (21.40) |
3,049 (29.11) |
Three |
1,187 (12.11) |
81 (12.04) |
1,268 (12.11) |
Four or more |
471 (4.81) |
61 (9.06) |
532 (5.08) |
Figures give the mean value for continuous variables and frequency for discrete variables. Figures in
brackets are % of the corresponding subsample.
(a) See definition in subsection 3.2. (b) Intermediate professions includes teachers and related, social
and healthcare workers, clergy, civil service middle managers, sales and administrative middle managers,
technicians, and supervisors.
Table 1: List of variables and summary statistics
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