High traffic density The sotl-request controller has the best result for θ = 10
with an ATWT value of 234.35 and a TWQL of 1294. The worst result is for
θ = 60 with an ATWT of 355.12 and a TWQL of 2385. Forθ = 10, edge-node 0
has the biggest waiting queue (648) followed by edge-node 11 (waiting queue of
236). For all other values of θ the waiting queues are the biggest for edge-nodes 0
and 11.
Map 2 LD Request AlWT
Figure 5.18: Map2- low density - Request control - ATWT
Low traffic density The best result is given for θ = 10 with an ATWT of 45.19
and TWQL of 6.