• from Wetstraat → turn left: 99
• from Wetstraat → turn right: 106
• from Wetstraat → straight on: 56
• from Kunstlaan South → straight on: 14
• from Kunstlaan South → turn left: 6 (3 U-turns)
• from Kunstlaan North → straight on: 22
• from Kunstlaan North → turn right: 5
For the intersection of Wetstraat with Hertogstraat
• From Wetstraat → straight on: 61
• From Wetstraat → turn left: 20
• From Wetstraatt → turn right: 2
• From Hertogstraat → straight on: 10
• From Hertogstraat → turn right: 1
The calculation of the destination frequencies for each edge-node is done by
normalizing the count of cars. At the first junction 200 cars enter from the Wet-
straat and 16 cars enter from the Trierstraat. This is a total of 216 cars which will
enter the second junction from the Wetstraat. The counts of the second junction
are multiplied with 216/200, which will normalize the values. This calculation is
done for all junctions, from start till end.
The calculation of the destination frequency of a specific edge-node x to a
possible destination edge-node y is done as following:
1 search the edge-nodes y which can be reached by the specific edge-node x
2 sum the cars that enter the possible edge-nodes y
3 the destination frequency from edge-node x to y is given by
sumOf CarsEnteringAllReachableEdgenodesF romX