The Values and Character Dispositions of 14-16 Year Olds in the Hodge Hill Constituency

Overview of Questionnaire Findings

The descriptive statistics for the 54 questions are presented in Appendix 7. What follows
is a list of six items with which there was most agreement and four items with which
there was least agreement.

Items producing the most agreement were

Q.26 Education is vital to progression in life (85%)

Q.14 I value my friends very much (85%)

Q. 15 Good manners are important (85%)

Q.16 I can accept those with a different religion (84%)

Q.57d My mother influences my attitude to life (83%)

Q. 19 I am usually truthful and honest (82%)

Q.57e Honesty is important to me (81%)

Q.21 My religious group is often seen negatively (81%)

Items producing the least agreement were






People outside my area do not understand me (16%)

I trust politicians (17%)

I don’t feel British (18%)

Pupils here resolve conflict without fighting or threats (20%)

I am not responsible for my own educational achievements (20%)

Identifying influential variables

In order to identify variables from the data set which were potentially influential an
ordinal logistic regression model was estimated for each item. All background data
(demographic, study intentions, parental education, school subject options and future
study intentions and school) were tried for each item. In all cases most variables proved
to have no explanatory value. Only those which could not be ignored without reducing
the accuracy of the model were considered for presentation below.


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