Design and investigation of scalable multicast recursive protocols for wired and wireless ad hoc networks

This mode is called unconfirmed multicast data packet forwarding, which mean a receiver
can receive its packets without any permission from the source. Meanwhile, another entry in
BNRs and LMRs needed to be created to keep the information of multicast delivery mode.
BNRs and LMRs, which keep this information, can decide whether or not they send and
forward multicast packets immediately or until receiving an RqM. Obviously, in MUCM,
no RpMs messages are needed to be generated.

As it can be noticed, the joining process in MUCM is similar to that in MCM, except for that
BNRs or LMRs starts to send multicast packets for a receiver as soon as receiving an RqM.
On the other hand, the leaving process in MUCM is totally the same as that in MCM. The
BNR or LMR for a receiver will stop forwarding multicast packets immediately when they
receive RqMs.

4.6 Performance Evaluation

Performance evolution is an idea used to measure and evaluate the performance of routing
protocols. In this thesis, to evaluate the proposed protocol and compare it to some other
protocols, a detailed performance evaluation is applied. This performance evaluation divided
into two parts:-

-I- Cost analysis, in this evaluation part, different cost measurements are investigated
and evaluated. These measurements are also applied on other protocols in the same
area of our proposed protocol. At the end, a discussion for the results is obtained.

-I- Simulation analysis, at this evaluation part the proposed protocol is implemented
using a well-known simulator. The simulation run on different scenarios and
evaluating different metrics. The results obtained from this part of evaluation are
also compared with other protocols in the same area of SReM. At the end of this
part a discussion about the results is provided.


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