Catamarca) fosters prospective calculations. There is a relative certainty42 about when a
spot is likely to become open. Thus, strategic behavior is likely to be observed in those
How often have representatives sought gubernatorial positions? Table 6.4 shows
that almost 12% of representatives attempted to jump to the provincial executive. In
contrast with the scarce 4% of former governors holding a position in the House, 179
representatives tried to reach the highest provincial position. Their rate of success is
analyzed separately in Chapter 7.
Table 6.4: Percentage of Representatives Immediately Seeking a
Gubernatorial Position
Gubernatorial Candidate |
Percent | |
No_______ |
1,322 |
88.07 |
Yes |
179 |
11.93 |
Total |
1,501 |
100 |
At the mayoral level, things are more complicated for several reasons. First, even
though I created the most comprehensive dataset of mayors and mayoral candidates,
information is not balanced. Namely, the number of municipalities varies across time
depending on data availability. Second, new municipalities were created over time,
thereby altering the sample, too. Third, in more theoretical terms, variation in the
municipal structure and in the institutional and behavioral features of each province
42 Several governors have changed the constitutions, called to plebiscites or forced provincial Courts to
reinterpret term limits in order to stay in power, even though the prohibition was explicit.