The name is absent

p(∕3 ΣZj+1 Mi) ʃ ∙∙ ʃ drj+1drj+2..drm

-----7---------------------------------x----------------------------,          (4.23)

«Ф (∑ZwP<fr<) - W∙(r∙)l) IES1 ∆<wl(r<. ■•<«)


β j exp(∕3∑jιi)f..f dr1dr2..drj^1

-----7—:------------------------χ----:--------------------,          (4.24)

θxP (∑i=l1[βi(ri) - 0vfxt(ri)) Ui=! ^i'i+1'>(ri,ri+1)


r,M 1VV /'n.e4r√*n9-[{∕¾'s(γi)}1a.  6βA^∙ δβAεx^

{ '⅛⅜M, ------ ' ~ ⅛ffsW^ ^ *<'


The ,s relate the chemical potential of the segment ‘j ’ to the environment experi-
enced by segments connected to ‘j’ through site ‘A’. Such sharing of information along
a molecule is essential to modeling the structure of molecules with different segment
types such as copolymers. Note that we can drop the
K exp(βε0) in the expressions
for ∆(z,j),s since they cancel out with similar terms in the bulk
μβs. The multiple
integrals are evaluated as a recurrence,

∕ιj(r) = / ∕u-ι(r')exp[jO^ι(r')-∕3y-Kr')]Δ^-14)(r',r)⅛z,    (4.26)


ʃi,i(r) = 1>


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