The name is absent

Figure 2.8: (a) Vapor-Iiquid equilibrium of n-eicosane-propane mixture at T = 350 К.
Comparison of the predictions from the new equation of state (solid lines) and PC-SAFT
(dashed lines) with experimental data (symbols) from Gregorowicz et al. [88] (b) Vapor-
liquid equilibrium of n-hexadecane-hexane mixture at T = 623 K. Experimental data is
from Joyce and Thies [89].


Figure 2.10 compares the vapor compositions of the long chain alkanes, for three of
these systems, hexadecane-hexane, tetracosane-hexane and hexatriacontane-hexane.
As seen from the figure, the predictions from the new EOS are in better agreement
with the experimental data. The parameters for long chain alkanes were extrapolated
from the correlations from the alkane series for both the equations.


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