equation (2.32), which is applied to the weak voltages and gating variables.
The initial condition for this system is that the two fibers are at rest, and this rest
potential is identical to that of the full fiber. The sealed end conditions imply that
∂xvs(i0, t) = ∂xvw(β, t) = 0. (4.5)
Continuity of voltage at the transition point implies
v8(xτ,t) = vw(xτ,t) (4.6)
and continuity of current at the transition point implies that
∂xvs(xτ, t) = ∂xvw(xτ, t). (4.7)
Now we discretize this model. Assume that we are given a compartment length
∆x, and further assume that the transition compartment (the one containing xτ)
belongs to neither the strong fiber nor the weak one, but is rather shared by both.
Then there are Ns and Nw compartments in the strong and weak fibers, respectively,
and the total number of compartments in the full fiber is N = Ns + Nw + 1. Indexing
the compartments from the outside in for each fiber implies that discretizing (4.7)