ʌd ~vτ
vτ - Vww
where vτ is the voltage at the transition compartment. By (4.6) this implies
Although the implementation above is only first-order accurate, it can be improved
to second-order accuracy as described in §A.2. However, all the results in this thesis
were produced using the first-order scheme.
Discretizing the ∂xx terms in the above systems and substituting in for vr we
arrive at expressions for the voltages at the compartments adjacent to the transition
∂χχV s
V2s - 2vs + VT
v2 — 2v1 + ɪvɪ 4- ɪv^
s ' 2 s ' 2 vW
v2 — -vɪ + l∙v^f,u
vs 2 S ' 2 W
lvɪ — -v^w 4
2 S 2vw ~
This reveals the coupling between these two systems. Using the Hines ordering, I now
discretize (4.2)-(4.4) and the conditions given in (4.5) and (4.7) to arrive at