Figure 4.4: Dendritic voltage traces for cell pl8 with MIG channel model. Three computed
solutions are shown: the full system (blue), the RSW system (green), and the POD+DEIM
system (red). The dimensions for the reduced systems are kv — kf — ks = 120, and for the
weak part of the RSW system kw = 15. The transition location is indicated by the black x
on the cell. Note that the voltage traces computed by the RSW system more closely match
the full system solutions than the POD÷DEIM solutions do, and also at locations in the
weak part the POD+DEIM solutions do not match the full model with any accuracy.
the computational efficiency by optimizing the present codes, there are many con-
siderations that will need to be addressed so that this model will be applicable to a
wider class of cells, and I present the most pressing issues here.
Selection of the Transition Location
Perhaps the most critical parameter, but the least studied in this thesis, is the
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