The name is absent

Chapter 4

4.2. Wettability test of kaolinite

4.2.1. Materials and methods

Kaolinite (A2Si2O5(OH)4) is obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (product #228834),
with particle size 0.1 - 4 μm and specific surface area 17.44 m2∕g. All the salts in
the synthetic brine were obtained from Fisher Scientific. Toluene used as oil
phase is from Fisher Scientific.

Aqueous phase used here is synthetic brine with composition details shown
in Table 4.1. The composition of synthetic brine is close to that present in
industrial process water.

Table 4.1 Syncrude brine composition


Concentration (mM)











* Absent in soft brine without Ca/Mg for zeta potential measurement in section 4.3.

Octyltrimethylammonium bromide (CsTAB, M.W. 252.24) is from Lancaster
Synthesis. Betaine samples are from Rhodia-Mclntyre Group Ltd. Amine oxide
samples are from Stepan Chemical Company. Sodium naphthenate is from Acros


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