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Chapter 3

Bogoliubov-de Gennes Calculation For

Polarized Fermi Gas At Unitary

3.1 Polarized Fermi Gas At Unitary

3.1.1 Introduction

Since the 1960s, some theoretical efforts have been devoted to investigating the possibility
of pairing mechanism in imbalanced systems, where the chemical potentials or the number
of fermionic species are different [10]. Various phases have been proposed for such imbal-
anced fermionic systems, including the breached pair superfluid phase (BP) [12], deformed
Fermisurfaces [13], phase separation in real space [14, 15], and the Larkin5Ovchinnikov,
Fulde and Ferrel (so-called LOFF or FFLO)-phase, which features an oscillating order pa-
rameter [11], also the possibility of new coexisting phases in the BEC regime [16], and


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