in Example 1.6. Larsen’s score indicates that this be played at a slower tempo than the
opening, "simply, as a country waltz." The sixteen bar melody is transposed up a fifth (in
G as opposed to C), but otherwise notated as it appears in the Whitfield transcription.
Here the texture is quite thin, compared to the A section; however there is some
interesting voice leading and harmonies in Larsen’s version, including a somewhat modal
inflection to the harmony with the inclusion of lowered scale degree 7 at significant
Example 1.6: Cajun Set, First mvt., mm. 10-26
The A and B sections continue alternating with one another, and each time a section
returns, there is added complexity. Figure 4 illustrates the variations between the
63 Van recalls that during the rehearsal process, he suggested thickening the guitar texture
by adding additional notes to the chords. (Van, email to the author).