Please fill in only if you are employed,
25. |
How' secure do you think your job is? |
I_____________I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1_____________I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1_____________I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1_____________I not very not pretty veιy secure secure secure secure | |
26. |
Were you registered as unemployed during the past three years? Yes □ No □ |
27. |
If yes, how long ago was that? |
□-------_-------□ < 1 1-2 2-3 year years years | |
Please fill in only if you receive unemployment benefit ALGIL |
28. Since when have you been registered as unemployed (the status includes being in a
public work program, e.g. 1-euro-job) ?
I I I I I I I I Month Year
29. Have you been actively looking for a job these past four w eeks?
(excluding public work programs )
Yes □ No □
30. If you are currently looking for or if you had to look for a job: is it or would it be easy,
difficult or almost impossible to find a suitable job?
□ □ □
easy difficult almost impossible
31. Have you taken up a 1-euro-job?
Yes □ No □
¾> Skip to question #36!
32. Have you actively tried to get the 1-euro-job?
Yes □ No □
33. What w as the main reason for taking up such a job?
Please check one only!
0) |
Being able to work |
□ |
1) |
Hoping for a permanent job offer |
□ |
2) |
Eaining extra income |
□ |
3) |
Betiefits being cut back when refusing the job |
□ |
4) |
Other (___________________________) |
□ |
Please specify! |