Table 3
Size of government in the cross sections
OLS and instrumental variable estimates
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) | |
Dep. Var. |
cgexp |
cgexp |
cgexp |
cgexp |
cgexp |
cgexp |
cgexp |
cgexp |
maj |
-4.76 (3.39) |
-2.73 (2.55) | ||||||
semi |
8.31 | |||||||
(4.53)* | ||||||||
district |
14.52 |
17.29 | ||||||
(2.05)*** |
(2.29)*** | |||||||
coalition |
17.00 |
30.07 | ||||||
(3.72)*** |
(10.79)*** | |||||||
single |
-17.17 (5.58)*** |
-24.47 (14. 97) | ||||||
ngov |
7.74 (4.06)* |
10.01 (5.47)* | ||||||
Over-id |
2.16(3) |
2.26(2) |
0.02(2) |
1.29(2) |
1.60(1) |
1.70(2) | ||
Sample |
1990s |
1960-98 |
1990s |
1990s |
1990s |
1960-98 |
1960-98 |
1960-98 |
Estimation |
2SLS |
2SLS |
2SLS |
2SLS |
2SLS |
2SLS |
Obs. |
46 |
34 |
46 |
46 |
46 |
34 |
34 |
34 |
Adj. R-sq |
0.67 |
0.55 |
Robust standard errors in parentheses; * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%
Variables included in OLS specification, col (1), and second stage of 2SLS specification, cols (3)-(5): lyp, trade, prop65, federal, avelf, col_uka
Variables included in OLS specification, col (2), and second stage of 2SLS specification, cols (6)-(8): lyp, prop65, federal, col_uka
First-stage in 2SLS specifications: as displayed in cols 1-2 plus investiture (in cols 3 and 6) and threshold (in cols 5 and 8), plus all second-stage variables
Over-id is Hansen’s J test statistic for test of the over-identifying restriction implied by the electoral rule and constitutional variables having no direct effect
on the size of government; critical values at 5% significance are 7.81(col 3), 5.99(cols 4, 5, 6 and 8), 3.84 (col 7)
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