Table 5. Subjective Well-Being in Japan: Life in Nation Survey
Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Not very satisfied Not at all satisfied |
Unsure |
DK/NA Sample | |
Japanese |
⅛r⅞-Cfe⅛fet⅛, ⅛5¾θBL∣⅛⅜{c∙oV'>-C!f5So-CV'>boL^V'>⅛∙t⅛s, fe⅛feoM⅛t⅛, |
ГОФ (0^√] |
^Ct⅛ èfHfciSv 'XT∕K |
Literal Idiomatic |
By the way, how do you feel about the way your life is going at home? Which of these is your feeling close to? How do you feel about your circumstances at home? Please choose one of the following. ±⅛HHtt⅜^⅛ «йШ'ШИ ∏(Z)⅛ffiτ∙tt⅛tt'⅛tt ^(Z)⅛⅛(Z)⅛ffi W ι∏, h⅛mh , L≡o≡≡ Ж τ∙ttLτ⅛xx 4'(Z)⅛S⅛S∣⅛ LX HLHHtt1 ⅛⅛>⅛ ⅜H⅛l' l'⅞ ⅛tt'H⅛⅛9 Although I am not Although I can't say Somewhat dissatisfied Life now is very Unclear innumerably satisfied, that I am satisfied, if with life now unbearable I am generally life continues in this satisfied with life now way, it will be okay. Satisfied Not satisfied, not Somewhat dissatisfied Extremely Not sure dissatisfied dissatisfied | ||
Feb 1958 |
16% 44% 29% 9% |
2% |
15941 |
Jan 1959 |
17% 49% 25% 6% |
3% |
16897 |
Jan 1960 |
15% 45% 28% 6% |
6% |
17291 |
Jan 1961 |
14% 47% 29% 5% |
5% |
17103 |
Jan 1962 |
16% 45% 29% 5% |
5% |
16709 |
Jan 1963 |
18.3% 45.3% 26.1% 4.8% |
5.4% |
16007 |
Japanese Literal Idiomatic |
fe⅛fet⅛⅜5¾0⅛L^θV'-C^9SθXV'LθLj^V'⅛-t⅛∖ rθφ-Cfe⅛feθM⅛l--⅛i⅛V'⅛O⅛jgΛ∕-C^f⅞ V How do feel about your life at home? Please choose the thing that is closest to how you feel. How do you feel about your life at home? Please choose one of the following. ≡H-⅛≡LX ≡H-⅛tlH'x⅛ ⅛H⅛ttL≡Λz ⅞b⅛tW: ^ВД H w^ol⅛Lτχ So Somewhat dissatisfied Completely Unclear Cmpletely satisfied Although I can't say I dissatisfied am completely satisfied, I am satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Completely Not sure Completely satisfied Satisfied dissatisfied |
Sample | |
Jan 1964 |
4.4% 56.6% 33.5% 3.4% |
1.9% |
16698 |
Jan 1965 |
4.5% 55.7% 33.8% 4.2% |
1.8% |
16145 |
Jan 1966 |
4.5% 53.9% 34.4% 4.9% |
2.3% |
16277 |
Feb 1967 |
5.2% 55.4% 33.1% 4.2% |
2.2% |
16358 |
Jan 1968 |
6.2% 57.9% 29.8% 4.0% |
2.0% |
16619 |
Jan 1969 |
5.7% 57.8% 31.0% 4.0% |
1.5% |
16848 |