Table 4: Structural Estimates
- baseline normalization of the orthogonality conditions -
1960:1 - 1979:2 1982:4 2003:2 | |
c1 |
0.96** 1.35** (0.03) (0.04) |
c2 |
1.15** 0.34** (0.16) (0.08) |
c3 |
0.03 0.13 (0.02) (0.11) |
c4 |
-0.17** -0.01 (0.03) (0.01) |
ρ |
0.70** 0.73** (0.04) (0.02) |
i* |
5.4 6.0 |
π* |
4.2 2.5 |
α |
0.05 0.20 (0.04) (0.18) |
γ |
-0.29** -0.06 (0.02) (0.10) |
t-type statistics W(2) p-value J(19) p-value |
.000 .000 .000 .530 ___________.950______________________________.895_______________ |
Et-1I - μ(it - i*)+(1 - ρ)f(π, - π)+ λyt + α(πt - π)2 + γλУ2 '' + ρi-1 - i*) zt-11 = 0
∣L κφ V κ 2 2κ J J
Notes: This table reports the nonlinear GMM estimates of the structural parameters α and
γ. The estimates of the reduced-form coefficients are recovered from the estimates of the
structural parameters while the standard errors are computed using the delta method.
Inflation, output gap and the instrument set zt-1 correspond to the baseline measures
described in the notes to Table 1. The t-type test refers to the null hypothesis (μZκφ) =0.
W(n) refers to the Wald statistics of the test for n parameter restrictions, which is
distributed as a χ2(n) under the joint null hypothesis α=γ=0. J(m) refers to the statistics of
Hansen’s test for m overidentifying restrictions which is distributed as a χ2(m) under the
null hypothesis of valid overidentifying restrictions. The superscript ** and * denote the
rejection of the null hypothesis that the true coefficient is zero at the 1 percent and 5
percent significance levels, respectively.