An institutional analysis of sasi laut in Maluku, Indonesia

the fresh water influence. In this area, old rubble is common, as well as dead, algae covered, coral
rocks. The area looked bombed or wave-damaged in the past but no recent craters were seen.

9.3 Top Shells and Sea Cucumbers in Sasi and Non-Sasi Areas

9.3.1 Saparua Island sites

Areas surveyed were less than 5 m deep at low tide. The first area surveyed for top shells
Trochus niloticus) and sea cucumbers was Hatwa, in Nolloth’s sasi area. Here we were not
able to find any top shells (Table 9.5). We then moved to Tinauw in the Nolloth
sasi area,
reputed to be the richest top shell habitat. Four top shells in three transects were found. The
animals were hiding in shaded holes and crevices. A similar habitat was discovered in
Wailalone, also in the
sasi area. Then we moved onto a sandy habitat to check for sea
cucumbers, as these had also been rare in the transects. Finally, we performed several transects
at Wailesi at the southern end of the
sasi area, and in the narrow Ihamahu territory immediately
south of Wailesi. All transects were performed at low tide, as local fishers advised that at this
time, top shells come out to feed. Top shells were divided into “juvenile” (4-6 cm) and “legal”
(>6 cm), based on the
sasi regulations. Work was scheduled around mid-day when light was
optimal. However, this was not optimal for finding sea cucumbers, many of which tend to
hide in sand during the day and surface at night. The
Stichopus sp. and Bohadschia sp. found
were typically hidden in crevices whereas the
Holothuria spp. lay out in the open.

To check whether skilled harvesters would come up with comparable results, we hired two
local fishers to perform 5-minute searches over the same areas. They also emerged with only
small numbers of top shells and sea cucumbers (Table 9.6). In Ihamahu, the harvester commented

Table 9.5. Results of 50 m x 1 m transects in different parts of Nolloth’s sasi area and to the south of
Nolloth in the Ihamahu marine village territory.


#Sea cucumbers,
type and length

# Top shells and
basal diameter



(Nolloth sasi area)

1 Stichopus sp.: 30 cm,
Bohadschia sp.: 40 cm.


1-2 m depth; massive corals on sand,
plus algae-covered rocks and old rubble.


(Nolloth sasi area)



Branched, foliose and massive corals.



1 (9 cm)

Sand, rubble with occasional clumps
of corals.



3 (4, 9 and 9 cm)

Shoreward of previous transect,
bottom similar.

sasi area)


2 (4 and 7 cm)

4-6 m deep, mixed sand/rock/corals.




Sandy area.




Sandy area.


(south end of sasi area)


3 (4, 8.5 and 9.5 cm)

Rocky with clumps of corals and
sandy patches.

(average per 50 sq m)


Juveniles: 0.5

Legal size: 1.0
(hard bottom only)




Coral reef in moderate condition, looks
like good top shell habitat.



1 (8 cm)

Mixed rocks, corals and sand.


(average per 50 sq m)


Juvenile: 0
Legal size: 0.5

Impact of Sasi on Inshore Fisheries Resource and Habitat in Central Maluku 91

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