We dedicate this work to the memory of Om Bertie Ririmasse, respected former Raja of Haruku,
whose visionary leadership has helped to preserve and transform community-based resource man-
agement institutions in central Maluku.
This research was made possible through a research grant that was arranged by Dr. Robert
Pomeroy of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), the co-
project leader of this research. We are very grateful to Dr. John Graham of IDRC for granting us the
funds to carry out the research. The Netherlands Government, through NEDA, has supported the
research through its provision of an associate expert, the co-author of this report, Ingvild Harkes.
In order to carry out a multi-component research like this, a large number of people was
involved. Only through their commitment was it possible to produce this report.
Dr. Robert Pomeroy, the project leader of the Fisheries Co-management Project, has contrib-
uted greatly to this research on the technical and theoretical level, and as a project leader and coor-
dinator, his assistance was invaluable. We would also like to thank ICLARM research associates,
Brenda Katon and Len Garces, for their contribution.
A close working collaboration was established with Yayasan Hualopu, an NGO in Ambon.
We are truly grateful to Ir. John Lefmanut, Director of Hualopu, for his cooperation and the office
space made available to us to do our work. Our interaction with the Hualopu field staff was most
beneficial and we thank all those who either asked or answered interesting questions. In particular,
we thank our field team leaders and research collaborators, Meentje Simatauw, Irene Sahertian and
Denny Nanlohy, who were particularly involved in the inventory and market studies. Our work
was greatly supported in terms of logistics as well as (finance) administration by Pia, Gladys, Elsye,
Kiki and Justus Pattipawae.
Pattimura University was another important research partner. Drs. Bob Wenno and Ir. Yannes
Hiariej from the Faculty of Fisheries, and Dra. Hermien Soselisa from the Faculty of Social and
Political Science, kindly allowed us to use their staff’s and students’ time for which we are very
grateful. We would like to thank fisheries researcher Ir. Venda Pical, and the students, Felly, Fiona,
Ongen and Evert, for their efforts in gathering information for the village comparison and the insti-
tutional analysis.
Ir. Semuel Littik from the Faculty of Fisheries made a valuable contribution to this research by
translating and contributing the biological aspects of sasi. We are also grateful to Pieter (Muin)
Manihin, who provided his essential expertise for the biological survey work.
We would like to specially thank external collaborators who greatly contributed by doing
fieldwork in case study villages or in the government offices. Many thanks to Heri Purnomo, Vera
Susanti Pitta, Sandra Lakembe and Mira Smits. We also like to acknowledge Manon Ossweijer and
Arie Brouwer for their input on sasi and interesting discussions.
For input on the policy issues, we would like to thank Dr. John Lokollo, M.K.J. Norimarna
PhD, Dr. Ir. N.V. Huliselan, Ir. L.F. Wenno, Ir. John Lefmanut, Ir. M.Z. Sangadji, Dr. R.Ch. Titaheluw,
Evy Baadila SH, Dr. Ir. S. Pattipeiluhu. Craig. C. Thorburn was a great help in his advice on policy,
law, and sasi in southern Maluku. We also like to thank Dr. Victor Nikijuluw, Hans van Oostenbrugge
and others who attended various workshops and seminars and who provided helpful critiques of
the research results.
Finally, our deepest gratitude goes to those most closely involved. We would like to thank the
kepala desas of all the research villages, the village officials and especially the fishers and women
who were so kind to receive us in their homes and who helped us in answering the research ques-
tions. Terimah kasih banyak!