Macroeconomic Interdependence in a Two-Country DSGE Model under Diverging Interest-Rate Rules

A. Appendix

be written as nPt,H Yt , which yields the subsequent equilibrium condition on the world market for domestic
goods (26):

Pt,HYt = PtCtw .

Note that the equilibrium condition on the world market for foreign goods (27) can be derived analo-

Both equations immediately collapse to the definition of the TOT given by equation (28):

T .= Pt,F = StP*,F = Yt
: p         p         v* '

Pt,H    Pt,H    Yt

Furthermore, substituting equation (22) for the household’s instantaneous profits into the intertemporal
budget constraint (17) we get:

(1 + it-1)Bt-1 + Mt-1 + Pt(h)Yt(h) = PtCt + Mt + Bt + Ptτt.

Integrating from 0 to n and using 0n Pt (h)Yt (h)dh = nPt,H Yt one obtains:

(1 + it-1)Bt-1 + Mt-1 + Pt,H Yt = PtCt + Mt + Bt + Ptτt.

Due to the government’s budget constraint (36) the preceding equation rearranges to the domestic balance
of payments identity (29):

Pt,H Yt - PtCt + it-1Bt-1 Bt - Bt-1.

Note that the foreign balance of payments identity (30) can be derived analogously.

A.4. Dynamic IS Curves

First rewrite the domestic Euler equation for real consumption (18) as follows:

Ct-ρ = β(1 + it)PtEt

Ct +1


After having done so, use the condition for domestic goods market clearing (34) into the preceding

( Tt— Yt++1) -

(Ttn-1Yt)-ρ = β(1 + it)PtEt

The non-stochastic zero-inflation steady-state version of this equations reads as follows:

Y )p

The ratio of the last two equations then reads:

Tnr1 Yt ʌ
/'n 1YΛ J

1 + it

1 + i



(    ' Yt +1)-ρ


( T n — 1 Y) —p

By taking the natural logarithm of this ratio, one obtains:

-p[(n - 1)tt + yt - (n - 1)t - y] = ln(1 + it ) - ln(1 + i) + pt - Et [Pt+1] - ρ{(n - 1)Et [tt+1] + Et [yt+1]} + P[(n - 1)?+ y].

Note that ln(1 + it) ≈ it and ln(1 +yi) yi. Moreover, the approximation ln Ett+1] ≈ Ett+1] - 1 =
Ett+1 - 1] ≈ Et[ln Ψt+1] = Etψt+1 assures for the exchangeability of the ln and expectations operators
for a generic random variable Ψ.


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