bt+1 = (1 i °) qK (1 i °t) i i (x i bt)
bt2 (0;h)
' °t ∙ °e;nq
This equation and the correspondingfunction is parametrized tothe en-
trepreneurs evel Cftechnical ine£ dency sincethatis a pureentrepreneurial
Finaiy a cμaii...ed entrepreneur's Ciyrasty accumulates wealth according
tCthe fCllCwingequatiCn:
bt 2 (h; x)
0 ∙ °t ∙ ° e
bt+1 = (1 i °) qK(1 i°t + h) ii(x ibt + h)
A lsCin this case each functiCn is parametrized tCa speci.clevelCftech-
nical in∈¢d∈rcy.
T he eccncmys structural parameters determine diπ erent long- run sce-
narios (see .cures 1 ). Each scenario corresponds to diπ erent Cccupationial
structure ofthe population in each generation.
T he transmission mechanism Oftechnical ine¢dency ...naly a3ects the
evolution ofthe distribution ofincome and wealth and the evolution ofthe
occupationalstructure ofthe population.